
Featured Blog Posts (255)

Back at sea again!!!!

Finally, after many months in Florida getting Blue Heaven ready for extended cruising, we made our way down the ICW to Port Everglades and then went outside to Miami. Came in through Government Cut to Miami (what a trip) then down Biscayne Bay to Rickenbacker Marina. Spent a night there and then on to No Name Harbor on the south end of Key Biscayne. The next morning we looked for someone to go to Bimini with but everyone had left that morning or the day before. Even though it was late in the… Continue

Added by Jim Jackson on February 17, 2009 at 1:23am — 2 Comments

Sailing this past weekend after scraping ice off my windshield Friday morning!

It is 80 degrees today in Mickey Mouse Land today! YAY!!!

Last Friday morning I scraped ice off my windshield before I went to work. What a pain! I do not understand how anyone lives in a place where that would be normal. :) I live here BECAUSE I hate cold weather. And it has been darn cold the past 2 weeks, even here in THE BEST SAILING STATE IN THE US.

When I scraped ice off my window this past week I was reminded of when I was in college in north Texas. It DID snow… Continue

Added by Charlotte Radford on February 11, 2009 at 8:38pm — No Comments

Just returned from Mexico and the Baja Haha

What a great time! We placed 2nd in the Kilo division on my buddy's Harding Force 50 "Luna Sea". The only one to beat us was Patsy on Talion, a *beautiful* Gulfstar 50 Sloop also from Portland, now based in La Paz. Will post more later.

Added by S/V Compadre on February 5, 2009 at 7:18am — 1 Comment

The Dream

AllAboutMe (A Columbia Yacht)

As with so much in life, many of the experiences that I had hoped for in my twenties and thirties, had to be put aside, in order to raise a family, and earn a living.

The dreams just didn't fit in the space that was left. Then, in my middle forties, health issues seemed to bring any hope for early retirement to a screeching halt. So that now ,the dreams that had been put aside for later, had to be put back on the shelf,most likely to be… Continue

Added by Larry Wilson on February 5, 2009 at 12:30pm — 13 Comments

What brought me to want to sail solo?

This question was posed by a new e-friend. It seemed generic enough to post on the blog. Being new to Sea Knots I thought I could set up my own personal blog. If I can would someone be kind enough to explain how to do so. In the meantime, I clicked Blogs on the toolbar and it led me to this site. Anyway, here is the answer to the question, 'what brought me to want to sail solo?'

Answer: Reading Robin Graham's book, the Dove.

I often sail and race with others; on my boat or… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on February 4, 2009 at 11:42pm — 6 Comments


Ahoy Friends,

Well, we completed our BVI trip a couple of weeks ago......What a blast!! The eight of us went out for a week on a 45' cat, the Dodger II and it was tremendous. The British West Indies is wonderful. Great sunsets, very nice people and super conditions. (A little pricey at the restaurants - but we only ate off the boat 1 lunch and 2 dinners)

Everyday was warm (82-85degrees), the water crystal clear and the wind was 10 to 18 knots. I sailed into a different cove every… Continue

Added by Mike on February 3, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

myn boat.....pix and words....

these pictures reflect solitary bird as she was purchased by the previous 2004. same year i bought my ericson but a few mos later into the year--ericson was june, formosa oct.....she was brought from santa barbara to san diego at once and placed on mooring in coronado, right next door to my ericson, on which i resided at the time-- he would say hi to me as i rescued bird when she broke loose from moorings once long ago----helped him thru some times and he reciprocated--now i own his… Continue

Added by zeehag on January 28, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Advice/Experience/Suggestions for Bareboat Charter in the San Juan Islands

We are looking into a sailing vacation in the San Juan Islands this summer, and I would really appreciate any and all feedback, information, pros & cons, experience you've had with the charter companies, sailing in the area, good anchorages, weather and temps in June vs. summer prime season, etc. .... anything ;)

Added by Ladye on January 14, 2009 at 12:53pm — 4 Comments

reliving the past with the mouse.

I'm sitting here to bad out to do anything outside. Reading blogs from other sailors and thinking back to when I was on the water 8-12 hours a day 5,6 & 7 days a week.Those were great days. I worked in what I thought was the best group on the water at Disney. We carried folks from Dixie Landing (now Port Orleans Riverside) to downtown Disney on what Disney called the Sassagoula river. 2.5 miles of winding river through the woods under 3 bridges and across the lake at Downtown. What a… Continue

Added by verner j canatsey on January 13, 2009 at 11:11am — 9 Comments

Back to blogging after a major break

O Town is getting cold this week, but this past week was the reason why we call Florida the BEST SAILING STATE in the United States. While the rest of the country was under major cold with many areas under snow and ice Floridians were wearing short sleeves last week in 75 degree weather.

Walt Disney knew what he was doing when he put Mickey Mouse Land here. For Christmas, they make snow here. Thank God that's for the tourists. :)

So sailing on the Intercoastal this weekend… Continue

Added by Charlotte Radford on January 12, 2009 at 10:23pm — 1 Comment

CaptJack's Winter Blues

Well, if I'm going to have a blog I guess this is the place for it. Mainly at this point in my life Sailing and computers are 1 & 2 in my life with possible Motorized coastal cruising 3rd. If I sound melancholy I'm really not. I have a great wife, nice house, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a good church in which I'm very involved. I guess my only problem is lack of money for boat stuff. I can always find things to do to my boat, just not always the cash to do them. But who knows when that will change.… Continue

Added by verner j canatsey on January 11, 2009 at 4:22pm — 4 Comments

Busy 2009 sailing season planned!

So my sailing club, Texas Mariner's Cruising Association ( held their annual planning meeting yesterday. It was quite a different experience planning an entire year's worth of weekends versus the short 6 month season in the north. Being that it is the "off" season down south where the weather is much cooler, but not freezing, I can understand why people will go out every chance they get.

Normally, being a hard core sailor, I'm always down with that, but a short 6… Continue

Added by Tim on January 11, 2009 at 12:49pm — No Comments

In a boat's own words: I Want to go South now!

Hello. My name is Can Drac and I was born in March of 2008 measuring 43 feet 2 inches and weighing 19,566 pounds. Since then, I haven’t grown much but I have definitely gained quite a few pounds, mostly in equipment and gear for the voyage of a lifetime. A voyage that, unless I do something fast may never even happen.

I am writing this as I freeze my keel off in my slip in the New York Harbor. Franc and Andrea, my owners, already left… Continue

Added by CAN DRAC on January 1, 2009 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

Ready, Set, Go

The time is rapidly approaching. Sharon and I have been preparing to bring our boat home from the BVI. "Great Adventure" has been in charter service and is about to complete the Moorings phase out service. We plan to sail her from Tortola to St Thomas the first day and spend a couple of days there outfitting and picking up supplies. Then the plan, weather permitting is to sail to the Caymen Islands and stop there for a day of re-supply and weather updating. If the weather looks right for a Gulf… Continue

Added by Bob on January 3, 2009 at 1:30pm — 7 Comments



Much attention has been focused on survival as a castaway both in movies and reality shows lately. Having had a recent experience regarding this subject, I can tell you that movies and reality shows fail to convey the array of emotions that are very much an important part of the castaway experience. Folks sitting in their living rooms in front of their TV sets or in a theater munching popcorn and guzzling soft drinks don’t experience the isolation, helplessness,… Continue

Added by Nat Manning on January 2, 2009 at 6:23pm — 6 Comments

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How to Make an Free Email Account?

No matter which provider you choose, creating a free email is a simple process. But, it’s still important to know best practices so you can have one that fits your needs the best. The purpose of an email is to provide a space for you to have easy, secure communications. Select an email provider based on your needs as a user. Think about which features, such as top-tier security, email scheduling capabilities, or integrations,…See More
Apr 16
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Leading ASP.NET Development Company

ASP.NET is a popular web development framework that is widely used by developers and businesses to build robust and scalable web applications. ASP.NET supports a wide range of programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic, which makes it a versatile choice for developers who are familiar with these languages. ASP.NET is designed to be scalable, which means it can handle large amounts of traffic and data. This can be a good choice for businesses that anticipate rapid growth in their user…See More
Mar 29
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Mar 29
Robert & Sandy replied to sam's discussion eyebrow salon window re-bed in the group Beneteau 40 & 43
"Hello all, I realise coming into this year old conversation could be somewhat strange though sharing advice is always beneficial.. Our B43 had her port large saloon window repaired under warranty after it developed a gap and obvious leak. The boat…"
Mar 12

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