
Dec 14, 2011

Don"t know why Dec gets me active about my boat...but I will start sleeping and living on the boat ...Cats have to come too.  Having pets do tie me down, but my girls do pretty well on the boat up to now.  I have not startrd the engine with them aboard yet. ...or sailing.  They stay mostly in the Aft Berth,,,,but that is where the engine is ..( these are cats that listen to classical music all day, and have never seen a dog...very pampered).so we will see.

They hate the cock pit, so imagine they wil find their hiding soft spot on the boat some place.

I'm getting bids on the enclosure for the cockpit....this will expand my living a sun porch...

Now I need crew to go with me and anchor out...little by little...any takers?  Today was high 60's..our winters are usually in 50 and 60's...although it can freeze on rare ocassions.

Well needless to say I am excited about it.

I will add to this as I go along.  Advice is welcome.



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Comment by Joe on February 7, 2012 at 4:48pm

Lola, I look often in hopes of seeing your car at the marina.  I walked around on Saturday, February 4th, but you were not there.  Your boat looks great.  Maybe one day I will be able to step aboard.  Now I am trying to talk Wendy into buying one and it looks like now that Hell freezing over is no longer a requirement.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Joe B.

Comment by LOLA on January 21, 2012 at 5:40pm


Thanks John..I'm adding height to my Nav pod so it sits higher than the Auto pilot.  I still like your set up too.

Comment by John Berens on January 21, 2012 at 5:20pm

Lola,  Your boat looks fabulous.  Enjoy it.


John B

Comment by sailorgirlca on January 18, 2012 at 11:18am

Ahoy Lola...congratulations on your decision to live aboard.  Your boat below is will be most comfortable!!  Did you sell your house and cut all lines on land? 

Comment by Drew on December 28, 2011 at 7:05am

Good for you! I'll be doing the same as soon as I swap boats.

Comment by LOLA on December 23, 2011 at 12:38am

The fuzzy crew:

Comment by LOLA on December 23, 2011 at 12:03am

Ha Ha..I think you are right.  They adapt pretty well.


Merry Christmas Jim

Comment by Jim Malone on December 22, 2011 at 11:37pm

I see a childrens book coming out of this adventure called Captain Cat!!!!

Comment by Sherry on December 21, 2011 at 10:06pm

Looks like a nice little cozy area! You should not have issues. Nice layout for your floor plan. What size is that again, 30 or 40' ? Looks like a 30'? Cat looks cozy, I would not worry about him too much! Dogs will go along with anything! Just as long as their getting attention. Good luck!

Comment by LOLA on December 21, 2011 at 2:33pm

Well good thing I'm on the boat more, as am dealing with a thru hull drip.  Seems fine when I have it turned off, but when I call for water in the galley, it drips, very slow.

Did not want to do a haul out as just did a few months ago.

I did tests in all positions, and use of the baby powder as suggested and seems to drip at the handle...will try to tighten the clamps, with my elec drill, next.

Advice welcome  Don't cha just love boats?

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