John has not received any gifts yet
Posted on September 20, 2015 at 9:30am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Lou, for some unknown reason the group has mysteriously vanished. It no longer appears on my page either. Hope it wasn't something we said!
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I haven't been on for awhile, I decided to check in now and then.
I did it!!! There now be some music on my page. So Check It Out. I know it is silly to get excited over something so minor, but I can't effect most of the major things in my world, so every success is something to celebrate.
Taking Cayo Mio for an overnight to Naples, Fl this weekend, and the repaired radar will be reinstalled on Monday. So that puts most major systems back on line. I still will have to be careful on longer passages offshore because I can't put the motor over 1500 rpm due to the slightly bent prop shaft. But she is a sailboat after all, and f the forecast is OK we an go.....
Have a great day and enjoy.
capt Tom & Queen Olivia
Love the music and the pics!!!! I am so jealous....
Anyway, I finally figured out how to delete both applications that seems to be designed for music. So I can at least go to "My Page". So how do you down laod MP3 music after you enter "add music".
Capt Tom
(the computer challeged one)
We loved Marrero's, wouldn't go elsewhere now, recommend it!
Anyhow, my point (other than bragging about being in NZ) is that I'll have pretty irregular internet contact for the next couple of weeks, so if you respond, I'm not sure how long it will be till I can acknowledge.
Thanks again for your response.
If you have any thoughts, I sure be appreciative. Thanks, and hang in there till the warm weather returns.