Again planning on sailing with my brother Capt. Bob on his 43 foot Beneteau "Breezing Up" this late spring on the Chesapeake Bay. He is planning sail the DelMarVa between May 25 and June 3 and would welcome some accompany boat(s). He would be probably doing the counterclockwise route based on best estimates of predominated SW winds. Would be leaving from Titewater Marina, Baltimore Harbor. On June 3-5 we will be attending the AYS Beneteau Rendezvous at Tred Avon Yacht Club, Oxford MD.
If interested come back,
Ahoy Larry,
Bro. Bob sent me that one from Spinsheet. Believe they plan to start June 25 and too later for our plans. I still would like at least one other sailboat for company just in case Murphy's Laws rears it ugly head during the transit. Bro. Bob wants to take advantage of the Memorial Day holiday so as not to burn too much vacation time. Our data shows only to try large inlets on the ocean side with a keel boat. Big concern is to avoid entering an inlet with opposing tide (ebb tide) and wind/sea condition from the ocean. Best plan is to await slack water before entering. Perhaps we will see you on the way South. Say hello to the Irishman, Capt. Marty for me.
Ahoy Capt Mike,
Bro. Bob's boat is "Breezing Up" out of Baltimore MD. What is your boat name to look you up at the rendezvous? Bob has made a slip reservation at the yacht club for the Beneteau Rendezvous, as he wants to relax after the DelMarVa. However, my review of the anchorage off the Oxford Town Center shows 10 feet MLW and good shelter from the winds, and was my first suggestion.
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