
Please add your favorite saying; I don't know the origin of this, It was told to me years ago by my flight instructor, but it applies very much to sailing also. " IT IS BETTER TO BE ON THE DOCK WISHING YOU WERE SAILING, THAN TO BE SAILING, WISHING YOU WERE ON THE DOCK"

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"A woman will never lay down in a boat she can't stand up in"
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did
do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover." - MARK TWAIN
"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most" -Mr. Mark Twain
Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.

People Are Often Unreasonable, Illogical And self-centered;

Forgive Them Anyway.

If You Are Kind, People May Accuse You Of Selfish, Ulterior Motives;

Be kind Anyway.

If You Are Successful, You Will Win Some False Friends And Some True Enemies;

Succeed Anyway.

If You Are Honest And Frank, People May Cheat You;

Be Honest And Frank Anyway.

What You Spend Years Building, Someone Could Destroy Overnight;

Build anyway.

If You Find Serenity And Happiness, They May Be Jealous;

Be Happy Anyway.

The Good You Do Today, People Will Often Forget Tomorrow;

Do Good Anyway.

Give The World The Best You Have, And It May Never Be Enough;

Give The World The best you’ve Got Anyway.

You See, In The Final Analysis, It Is Between You And God;

It Was Never Between You And Them Anyway.

~ Unknown
My worst day sailing was still better than my best day at the office.

Today's fortune cookie read: "One extends one's limits only by exceeding them."

Touché, Mr. Fortune Cookie Writer!
When traveling in fog, send someone forward with a bucket of potatoes, and every minute or so, have him heave one forward as hard as he can in the direction of travel. If you hear a splash, proceed. If you don't - tack. it! LOL good idea
When staring into the abyss, be sure to wear your safety glasses!
Find those things in life that bring you happiness.
Never let them go
If you want to know a person's future, look at his/her past.


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