i read somewhere that we may just be heading ou tagain---by around aug 1----so---here goes----the leak that ran water acrosss the cabin sole is gone ----wooohooo----we are now trying to patcvh the shaft log---same problem i have in formosa---mebbe some intelligence from this repair will help my formosa be on the move with less expeense--pray - pray----soooooo------crosssss yer fingies and ........we try to do what we started out to do......lol.....never say never , etc....lol.....boatkat is also looking for more action--he looks bored with watchingt birdies out a window------lol.....please make the t storms around fla leave for a bit of time so we can go to the other side of the world and meeeetcha all......lol....will keep working on that .....
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