
Was wondering how many on here are full or part time cruisers, since it is billed as a social network for cruisers.

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Diana & I, with Tinker Belle the wonder dog, moved aboard Far Niente on December 5, 2006. It has been a wonderful experience. We just returned from wintering in the Bahamas and will be heading for Maine in a few weeks. Far Niente is a 40' Jeanneau (1991). She's a great boat!

Full time since January 2003
This is one awesome picture ! Would love to paint it !
I think that a 3rd option needed to be added ---- pre-cruiser. I am taking US Sailing courses through OCSC sailing school out of Berkeley, CA. I want to be a part-time cruiser for vacations and extended weekends at the moment and maybe 'full-time' later; I will have to check with my fiancee with the latter. At the moment, it is transitional as I am a day-sailor (twice a month) with hopes of getting more part-time cruising (1-month of sailing) in a few years or so.
And then there are those that are in the process of getting their stuff straitened out so that they can cast off their own lines.
That would be me! Yeeeeehaaaaaw!, almost there. House is near ready for the market and cant wait to blow this monkey off my back.
I cruised full time from 1998 to early 2007. Most of the time was spent at anchor, with a few seasons in the Virgin islands working for boat dollars. Even then we were at anchor. My partner left in 2004 and I had to sell my boat early in 2007, way too big and too expensive to take care of for a singlehander. I sure do miss it and would love to go out again, but not as a singlehander.
Howdy Betty! Long time! When, and if the good Lord's allowin', I ever get around that way, Id be glad to share a trip.
We've been out on Veranda since November of 2006.
Full time liveaboard, part time cruiser.
we are full time livaboards, getting the kitty supplied to leave ASAP. Wish we were out there now full time.
My wife, Gail and I started full time cruising in 1999 and moved ashore again in 2003 to look after a sick/dying parent. Took off cruising again in 2005. About to put the boat on the hard in Turkey and fly back to Australia for the rest of the year due to Gail's heath problems. Hopefully we will continue our slow circumnavigation next year. Cruising is a wonderfull life, glad we made the break when we did.


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