
How did you name your boat? I am always curious about how people name their boat and if there is a story behind it. After seeing all of the names on this site, I am looking forward to hearing the stories...So, If you have a boat how did you come up with the name?

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Our current boat, Glissé is French built. I decided to give my wife more of an ownership of the boat, so I suggested maybe she'd like to name it.

She is and always has been a great ballet teacher. She has been teaching at BalletMet Columbus ever since we started the small all volunteer non-profit ballet company in 1974. It has since grown into a quite successful regional company with an annual budget of about 6 Million.

As you may know, most ballet classes still use the French terms. Glissé is a graceful gliding step and is used in many classes. Daryl, my wife, decided that Glissé glided across the waves so beautifully, this would be her name.

We have never seen of heard of another boat with that name. The closest was Glissade, a boat we met on the Chesapeake upon her owners' return to the states after a ten year cruise in the Med. They had seen a couple of other boats named Glissade, but no Glissé.

Great thread idea!

Cap'n Jack
Many years ago, my first boat was a 15 ft lateen rigged boat that I named "Foo-Foo". Foo-Foo was a bird that was the subject of a somewhat off color joke that I heard about the time that I acquired the boat. I won't bore you with the joke which is not as funny now as it was under the circumstances at the time. Subsequently that boat was replaced by another which became " Foo Foo II ". My third boat was named "Foo Foo II too".

My last three boats, covering some 20 years, have all born the same name: "SeaNote" , which has become something of a nickname for me as well.

I have found that simple clearly understood names seem to be best. They are easier to remember and to understand on the radio. If you ever have to issue a May Day, you don't want someone to come back with: "Please repeat, I can not understand you. What is the name of your vessel?"

I once named a boat with a Chinese phrase which roughly translated to "Peace & Happiness" and is represented by characters depicting a woman kneeling in a house. At least that is how it was explained to me. It was very confusing to everyone and of course did not meet requirements for name and homeport on the hull.
It was cute but as I get older, Cute just doesn't cut it.

I am now looking for my next boat, probably a tug. Possible name: Tugaloo
Does anyone have a suggestion?
I think Tugaloo is perfect! I love it and it certainly works a lot better than TagaFoo ;-)
Like Pete, mine is also named for my daughter. Her full name is Maria Magdalena but everybody calls her Maggie.... my mom kinda tacked on Magoo to that to make it Maggie Magoo...well it just kinda stuck so now my boat (her boat) is Miss Magoo. In tribute to the former name Terra Nova II (along with the appropriate de-naming/renaming ceremony) I have kept the stern emblem of a styleized globe.

Joel Wilkins
m/s Miss Magoo
Columbia 45, #98
S. Pasadena, FL
Hi, I named my boat Aimee. Having a french background and always being told that I loved my boat more than my wife I decided to name it. Aimee translated to english means beloved or the loved one. BTW this is also my wifes name that helped a bit too.
Good thinking!
Comeing from a long line of Sailboats and Cruised the Carribean for 3 yrs from Cape Cod and experanced 40 ft. seas for 3 days to St. Thomas I can say I slowed down to a Gallup and now have a Mac. 26 X I am upgradeing for Coastal Waters and Trailer Sailing all the East Coast and Mid to Central Lakes.
So getting to Nameing a boat I never had to worry as I kept the original name (Vayu, meaning the Hindo God of the wind) but that was only for the 35 ft. Alberg. I finally came up and finally named a boat after owning 30 or more thru the yrs. and this is for the Mac.X only! (HOT TUB) , finally thru all these yrs. picked a Name that suits the boat I own. I could have named many after sailing her, but!!!
I read the book AN ISLAND TO Tom Neale...about life alone( by choice) on an atoll the South my Freedom 30 is named SUVAROV...After reading the book, I long to be there. It is my favorite book.
That's a beautiful story, thanks for sharing!
Lol, yes for the moment it does!

I empathize, we were boatless for about 6's tough. Hmmm, a new name suggestion...

Worth the wait
At last

Of course, I am just kidding. If I can think of anything to really help I will send it your way.
We're commissioning an Oceanis 43 like yours, and Franc has been nice giving us some good ideas for the commissioning and sharing his experience with the boat. Let's keep in touch as we like to learn from the experience ....
I love how everyone gets their names...great thread...
we are Giggling Dolphins...(she is a 33 T Hans Christian)
We wanted something with dolphins and we were throwing things around when we (Jack & I) just started laughing, the kids looked at us and said you guys giggle about everything. We love jokes and we always try to keep laughter in our home. Now that the kids are older they don't think we are weird anymore and have learned that giggling is a good thing.... Our Dingy is Giggles


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