"Hi All,
french built 2010 43 has been very dry down below but now a slow leak has occurred which is showing at the limber holes under the floor board in forward cabin. Bilge pump goes every 3hrs for 20secs. Not sure if it’s fresh/rain water or…"
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J-Boats also had many rudder problems with a few boats either dropping out of the Newport Bermuda race or having difficulty on the return trip.
I've sailed at least a dozen Beneteau's over the years and they've always been good.
A friend from Puerto Rico bought a 2007 Beneteau 50' last year. Spectacular boat!
Es una lastima que usted tiene a descubrir el problema con el eje de timon en la passage a Bermuda. ?Esta haciendo el trabajo usted mismo, o tengan el astillero en St Georges para hacer el trabajo?
Parece que Beneteau USA es consciente del problema y estan ayudando ustedes.
Un question: ?Habla Ingles suficiente para el uso del Radio HF?
Buenos Suerte!
~Pete in Annapolis