My new 2011 Beneteau 40 doesn’t have a pad eye on the bow to attach a turning block for the asymmetrical spinnaker tack line. I use an ATN Tacker sleeve around the furled genoa/forestay, the tack line is attached to the Tacker, which should then go to the turning block on the deck. I’ve seen another 40 that attached the turning block to a hole in the anchor roller/stem fitting (which hole I assumed was to insert a rod to take pressure from the anchor off of the windlass). On past Beneteaus, I was told that the stem fitting was not designed for the upward pull from a tack line and to add a pad eye. How are your boats rigged?
The hole on the stem pice is designed for the load. I attach the tack block there, no problem. This is also Beneteau recommendation. They have a diagram showing the setup for gennaker operation.
Yeah, not sure how the 2011 looks, but we just blew out the anchor roller on a 1996 Oc-40 flying a spinnaker with the tack attached to the roller assembly. I'll try to find the pictures to post.
Of note, we did not have stopper knots on the tack and the sheets, so we were able to blow the sail to prevent further damage. Also, the anchor was in place, which held the tack down and prevented damage to the bow pulpit.
Anyway, a good time, and no one got hurt. Glad it wasn't during a race!
~~ Mark
I have a genneker and attach the tack to the hole in the anchor roller (as per the attached diagram from Beneteau). I also led the tack line back to the port side of the cockpit through a line clutch (next to the furling line clutch).
LONGHAWK 2008 B43 hull #9
The geneker kit that I bought with the boat from Beneteau has a D shackle used to connect the block to the hole in the stem piece. It is not deep enough so I purchased a long D shackle to make it fit. I have attached the Beneteau diagram showing the Geneker setup. I also led the downhaul for the geneker back to the cockpit through a fairlead that is located on the forward cabin top and then installed a halyard stopper to belay the sheet. Beneteau expect you to tie the downhaul to the bow cleat and run up to the bow to adjust it each time.
Here are a few pictures of my setup. The green line is the geneker downhaul and in this setup, I have a Nico snatch block at the bow for the turning block with a shock cord to keep it elevated. And yes, it can interfere with the anchor.
I have been following with great interest your info regarding the gennaker hardware required.
One thing I would love to know is the actual luff, leach and foot dimensions of new the sail you purchased.
We have a perfectly good gennkr. from a previous 40' yacht we owned (complete with snuffer). It has an "I" measurement of 15.2 metres and is in great condition.
Also the internet seems bereft of full rig measurements of Beneteau 43's - Beneteau site and brochures included.
All assistance appreciated.
The Geneker is on the boat. I will measure it the next time I get there. Here are the Ben 40 measurements in meters according to my manual: First column is for Rolling Furling Mast and 2nd column for classic mast.
Roller furlins mast Classic mast
I 15.00 m 15.00m
J 3.95m 3.95m
P 13.92m P 14.02m
E4.80m E 4.80m
If you send me your personal email, I can attach several PDFs of the Ben 40 owners manual for the US built boats. Our electric is 120v instead of 240, so wiring is very different. As far a I know, that is the only difference and I have the larger 54hp Yanmar.
Hello everyone,
Getting ready for better weather.
For the moment our B43 is on the hard for paint.
I am in the process of adding a bobstay in order to be able to rig a Genaker ("Code D") on a furling system. I saw how Ed has done it. I think the efforts going upwind with a genaker can be much stronger than with a downwind asymetrical spinaker.
I was looking at the way the factory has done it on Sense and new Oceanis. Its bolted on the stern lower than the fixation of the fore stay.
Has anyone done this? is there some reinforcement to place inside ? What angle should we look for ?
Thank you.
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