
Havent been on seaknots much lately, finally been warm enough to get outside and enjoy life. Been working mainly on the yard; planting, mulching, not to mention the weeding (the people who owned this house before me must not have weeded the planter areas in years), and working on the garden (have some nice tomatoes and peppers coming in). Will try to be on a bit more, but will most likely be on much more when it starts to get cooler out (which should be sooner than later since I live in Minnesota).

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Comment by Andrea on July 19, 2009 at 2:24am
Great to hear from you again! I find that rainy days are also a good time to catch up on SeaKnots. Happy Summer!
Comment by Kevin on July 12, 2009 at 1:51pm
Lola, I'll have to read up on those areas, planning on taking a trip to the SC area next spring.

Dances With Sails, I've been seeing a lot about the drought and triple digits acoss Texas every time i flip through the tv channels, that's a bit to hot for me.
Comment by ___/)ances With Sails on July 11, 2009 at 11:12pm
While summer is half over here, we don't nurture gardens. We take naps in this heat. At the moment, we can only water (or wash cars) b/t 10pm and 4 am. We use to keep (try to keep) a lil garden, prob. about 30'X12' and the dear would level it in one night. Good luck raising honey bees anymore too.
Comment by LOLA on July 11, 2009 at 7:29pm
Kevin many places in both N and SC come for a visit and explore....all kinds of Towns like New Richland...I kindda like Loris SC, and Currituck NC...Southport NC is Charming....look them up on the net.
Comment by Kevin on July 11, 2009 at 7:04pm
I hear ya, I've actually been monitoring the myrtle beach area's weather every day to compare to here for the last few months. Reminds me of floridas, warm during the day, rain many nights...perfect. Though I donno if myrtle beach is exactly where id move in sc, i love the beach but i need country (big yard away from loads of people). Suggestions?
Comment by LOLA on July 10, 2009 at 7:34pm
I left there, and never looked back

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