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  • Monterey CA
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  • Gaye Slaughter Currier
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  • LOLA
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Free-spirited wanderer out to see the world!

Profile Information

Profile Type:
Monterey CA
About Me:
I love sailing, animals, zen/taoism, and gardening.
Current location:
Monterey CA
Destinations visited:
Stillwater Cove, Capitola
Looking to:
Live aboard a 36-40 ft cruiser, cruise from west coast down through South America over to the Caribbean and eventually make the Atlantic crossing over to the Med.

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At 6:23pm on June 22, 2011, ahmet haluk onal said…
woow id like your pictures ...i curious this little island names i thought alcatrass????or alcadraz.
At 8:48am on July 5, 2009, Dalton Williams said…
Good Morning Heidi!

Well I did it! Quietly and I sailed in to Newport Rhode Island at 10:30 last evening (July 3rd) from the Caribbean.

It has been 7 years (Nov 2002) since Quietly and I have been in the US waters! It seam surreal and I admit a HUGE culture shock after living in the Islands for so long.

Among other things I have completely forgotten that you must have a car! I have become so accustomed to excelent local busses that run every five minutes that I was shocked to learn I would have to take a taxi to go to Wall*Mart to purchase some long pants and a blanket.

I can't believe it is this cold! I actually had to pull my sleeping bag out because I was freezing! No more sleeping under a single sheet with 75 degree evenings!

I wanted to do something different for this hurricane season that yet another summer in Grenada & Trinidad. So sailing New England came to mind and with the help of Britt on Sea Otter and new friends from Find A Crew I headed north. I will spend the summer sailing the south half of Maine and working my way to Mass then back to RI and Conn and a stop at the West 79 St Marina in New York City on my way to Annapolis and then Washington DC to anchor out behind the Jefferson Memorial in October. Then finally I will and then head south again come fall to either the Caribbean or perhaps the Bahamas where I have never been.

If you have any friends out here on the East Coast who could show me around some of New England have them send me a note!

Best wishes!
SV Quietly
At 11:05am on June 23, 2009, Mark Stafford said…
Hi Heidi...

I read your 'looking to' with interest... fancy bouncing a few ideas around off-line

Cheers... Mark in the BVI
At 6:25pm on June 19, 2009, Dalton Williams said…
You are lucky to have worked in the South Pacific. That is my dream. I don't know if I would make it all the way around, but I really would like to sail at least as far as Thailand.

Yes the lower center of pressure on the sails and a good ballast ratio combine to make a "stiff" boat that sails easier in strong trade winds. There is also a benefit in windy anchorages of raising the mizzen and using it as a stabalizing sail to limit swind.

On Quietly I have to large wind generators back there which do pretty much the same and make lots of power in good windy anchorages. Since you live aboard you already know about needing alternative energy. A combination of wind generators and solar go well together.

The other thing you may not be aware of is changing out all of you lights to LED lights. I can turn on every light in Quietly making the boat as bright as any land based home and not use a total of 2.5 amps of power.

Being a "techie" I have done a lot of research on such and have a very energe efficient boat. But then I use a lot playing on the computer. {laughing}
At 6:12pm on June 19, 2009, Dalton Williams said…
Quietly is a Mason 43 Sloop (single mast) I love my boat and she is a wonderful home. I have many friends who sail katch's in the same conditions and do so with less heal in the strong winds since the center of pressure is lower.

If you went to college in Golden, was that at the Colorado School of Mines?
At 3:13pm on June 19, 2009, Dalton Williams said…
Best boats for blue water cruising...

A cutter rigged catch by far is the best rig. You never see them in the States but they are the most popular boats in the Caribbean. Look for a Whitby (sp?) or one of the very few Mason 43 Catches. Every now and then one come up for sale, if so GO SEE IT!

Sailing in the trade winds the catch rigged boats do much better with the lower mast but good sail area. Lots of sailing in the Caribbean is in 20 - 25 knots where you would sail Jib & Jigger (Jib and Missen).

I am in Bermuda heading north to sail hurricane season in New England but will be back in the Caribbean next winter. If you would like to sail a few weeks in the Caribbean let me know. Also check out

Dalton Williams
At 12:23pm on June 3, 2009, LOLA said…
Oh thought you were looking to buy a boat...get boat AND ENGINE I just paid a lot to have my engine rebuilt....Did not get a survey on the engine.

Lesson learned for me.
At 11:40am on June 3, 2009, Heidi said…
I don't understand your comment. I shouldn't have a "survey" on any of those. I just wanted to join this web group to learn more about sailing/cruising.
At 8:09pm on June 1, 2009, LOLA said…
What ever you do have 2 on boat and one on engine expert surveyor on the ENGINe

When looking at boats.
At 5:22pm on October 22, 2008, Captain Branson said…
Thanks Heidi, that is who I ended up going out with and he let me drive most of the outing, Thanks.

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