
Youngest singlehanding attempt to curcumnavigate,would you allow YOUR child?

Some of you may have heard of Zac Sunderland's attempt to sail around the globe alone at 16 years old.
Shows more focas and courage then most twice his age.

Would you allow your child to do the same?

Check out his story at /leave him a message of encouragement and cheer him on!

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I've been following his blog,he left Califoria not quite two weeks ago,(i believe)and expects to be out for about a year.
I think I would let my child follow his/her dream if he/she was as prepared and determined as this young man is.

What do YOU think?
Thanks Mike for telling us about seems he has been raised to do this...I think these solo trips are dangerous no matter what the age. I have purchased several books on survival at sea and some of the stories are eye man ate his shoes and billfold...and was found on a remote island with one finger moving, and the native children thought he was a living skeleton.......he was sailing from Panama to Australia.....Another thing about going young, is where would one get their required medications stranded on an Island when we are older? a thought.....Lola
LOL,Good point!...There was some discussion able getting Child Protective Services involved,judging from some of the comments I've read on his blog,but at sixteen years,he's old enough to patition the court to become an Emansipated Adult(excuse the spelling)
Going without rest when the situation required it would be hard on you too-teenagers do that all the time though.
We have been following his progress for months (well before he actually went to sea). We can only hope that our children would be so adventurous and some day ask us to set them free on a once in a lifetime adventure. Why would I not allow my children to do something I would also be willing to do myself?

Fear is a great thing so long as you do not let it keep you from doing the things you want to do. Preparation is always the key. Let me repeat that - Preparation is always the key. Just do not let your preparation keep you at the dock like so many of the sailors I see who are still talking of the same dreams of sailing over the horizon 15 years after I left them there.

Great Pics!.........I agree.
I think when his journey is over we'll still hear about something extraordinary from that young man.
Maybe he will be able to inspire some of our youth.

After all, ignorance and fear is what kept the notion alive that a ship would sail off the edge of the earth.
I've been following this story for a while as well and I think the reality of what he's trying to do may be just hitting him. He seems to have a well found boat with the right toys. Its just that the trip isn't the romantic "sailing off into the sunset" like he seems to have expected. More work, more boredom. I think he'll do fine though.

At the other end of the spectrum is Reid Stowe. He's trying to stay clear of land for 1000 consecutive days. He's a disaster waiting to happen. In the first 2 weeks he had to be escorted out of a Navy Live Fire exercise that he blundered into. Then he ran into the side of a container ship while asleep destroying his bowsprit. - Home
He has managed to make repairs and keep his voyage going. He was sailing with his girlfriend but ship jumped ship after about a year. Hes about 440 days into the trip and I've been reading it all along. I think he really might be losing his grip on reality a bit. His postings are getting weirder every day.

I'll have to check that out!
I think there may be some changes into our perception of reality after awhile out to sea for some people.
With Zac,after the first leg(a long one)things may be a little easier on him.
I think you're right about that. Its just a shame that his first leg is such a long one......

Some sixteen year olds are young adults and others are still young kids. At sixteen, I believe I could have single-handed. I would have let my oldest son do it at sixteen as well. My youngest son is 28 and I would not let him do it now, if I had any control over it.

Some would be ready at 16,some would NEVER be ready.
16 is frighteningly young from the angle of mental development, particularly in a male. I admire this young man (child?) and his ambition, but just how will he manage those mentally demanding challenges that are inevitable.
Judging from his story,the lad was raised on sailing ,not Playstation2 so he might be more than average in the mentally compedent(spelling)department
Typical teenager would be handicapped.


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