
MED SECRETS (Destinations you are likely to miss while you cruise the Med)

After growing up in the Western Med and taking the time to cruise the area extensively, I realized I always end up recommending the same favorite waypoints to fellow cruisers. Most of them are not even on guides but were recommended to us by others. Others we simply stumbled upon. Now I am sharing my list with you below (click on the coordinates for a map view). If you are in the vicinity of any of them, you'd be wise to make it your business not to miss them. Favorites like St Tropez, Stromboli or Bonifacio are omitted because they are widely covered in guides and pilot books.

Costa Brava - Cadaques (42° 17′ N, 3° 17′ E): A favorite of Salvador Dali, this fishing town is near Cap de Creus where the Pyrinnees dive into the Mediterranean sea. A perfect place to anchor in fair weather and explore a small village full of arts and charm. Best avoided in August, however.

Formentera - Moli de la Sal (38° 44.8' N 1° 25.8' E): This restaurant will deliver a paella right to your boat. Try them on channel 16 or call 971 187 491 for your reservation. Must be anchored close so check the coordinates carefully.

Mallorca - Cabrera (39° 9′ N, 2° 56′ E): This small island South of Mallorca is natural reserve with a beautiful castle. You must request permission in writing (unfortunately via fax) but it's all well worth the effort. Click here for the equest form. You can wait for approval anchored at Porto Colom and sail over once permission is granted.

Menorca - Cala Macarella (39° 56.2' N 3° 56.2' E): Regarded as the most beautiful cove in Menorca and widely featured in this beer commercial (above favorite Cadaques is also featured).

Corsica - Girolata (42° 20.8' N 8° 36.9' E): You are likely to stop in Calvi or Ajaccio. Don't skip this stop in between. Hard to get to from land, this small cove is a hidden treasure.

Sardinia - Budelli (41° 17.5′ N, 9° 21.5′ E): If you were to sail due East from Barcelona you'd be likely to hit land exactly in Budelli. This island on the Maddalena archipelago by Sardinia has the best turquoise waters in the famous Costa Smeralda. And if you are sailing that coast and need a place to provision or pick up guests without spending a fortune find Cannigione (41° 6.5' N 9° 26.5' E). Docking on the breakwater of the marina is free and there is a supermarket just walking distance. For longer stays anchor outside in shallow and protected waters and dinghy to the marina for business on land.

Sardinia - Cala Coda di Cavallo (40° 50.5' N 9° 43.3' E): The first true stop in Costa Smeralda if approached from the SE. With sandy bottoms and plenty of space, this is a favorite of the locals but if you visit in low season or you stay the night, you are likely to enjoy some peace when all the locals are gone for the day.

Sicily - Cefalu (38° 2.3' N 14° 1' E): Welcoming, quaint and perfectly located this town deserves a visit. Anchor by the old port and dinghy to shore for a good taste of a Sicilian summer town.

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Comment by Alain Brauckmann on July 8, 2010 at 8:47am
Strange ....
You in the US, you are dreaming about Europe and we are dreaming about the US :-)
Comment by ___/)ances With Sails on July 7, 2010 at 10:05pm
Wow, Nice! I assume these are represenative of villages throughout Heaven. Sure aint like anyplaces ive been directed before. Thanks Franc, these will be placed on a 'formost' list. Cheers yall!
Comment by Lorenzo Camillo on June 27, 2010 at 3:40pm
Thank you for the Med tips, will follow them up.
Comment by Alain Brauckmann on June 27, 2010 at 9:05am
I agree with you that Costa Brava - Cadaques (42° 17′ N, 3° 17′ E) is more than a dream !

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