We are finally in Costa Smeralda; the north east coast of the island of Sardinia known for its emerald colored waters. Our plan was to spend our first few days on our own exploring the dozens of beautiful coves in this area. Instead, we fell in love with the very first cove we saw: Cala Coda di Cavallo.

It was not touted as being amongst the prettiest, yet it had it all: clear waters, all around protection, beautiful sunsets. Why venture further when you’ve found what you were looking for?

Perhaps, the only drawback was how crowded the place gets during the day. But that’s to be expected on every cove in this area. It’s August in Europe, after all. Everyone is on vacation!

Crowded anchorages in Italy have some advantages, though: one of them is ice cream delivered right to your boat.
The other, for us was some interesting free entertainment:
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Meet Marta and Marc
After a few days in Paradise, we had no choice but to move forward. Our friends Marta and Marc were coming to visit and we wanted to see more.

It was Marta’s first time cruising so we carried a big responsibility!

Marc, on the other hand, has many miles under his belt. He was our crew on the Costa Brava cruise where we got engaged in 2002 and has sailed on Drac Verd and Drac Blau numerous times. He is also the proud designer of the logo we’ve used on all the Dracs so we owe him big time!

Exploring Costa Smeralda
We got things started with a bottle of local bubbly as soon as they arrived from the airport. As this picture clearly shows, some people were in real need of a vacation in “the sun”! ☺

As soon as we went out to sea Marta got her first sailing lesson.

For someone who came aboard worried about seasickness, she did pretty well at the wheel!

She took us to beautiful new anchorages like Caprera’s Cala Garibaldi ...

...and famous harbors like Porto Cervo…

…where we got to cross paths with the big boys…

…and the “pretty” boys.

Marc and Marta had a chance to have fun at the table…

…in the water…

…under water…

…and of course, with each other.
We got a swimmer!
There was just no way to keep Marc on board for long, once the anchor was down. He was always the first one to jump in and the last one to come out of the water.

But Marc was not the only one to spend long hours in the water. Here’s Andrea swimming with the perfect Mediterranean backdrop.

Now that Marc and Marta have gone back to enjoy the rest of their vacation at home, it’s back to just the two of us for a while.

But sailing in these waters without our latest guests will always bring back the memories of this unforgettable week at sea.

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