Thursday, November 27, 2008
Another Adventure
Tomorrow, day after Thanksgiving, we're off! Boarding "Second Wind" for a fourth time. The first time we were o/b was 3 years ago. We boarded her at Clarencetown, Long Island, Bahamas. We went from Clarencetown to the Turks and Caicos to Luperon in the Dominican Republic. We left the boat briefly then went from Luperon to Ponce, Puerto Rico. "Second Wind" belongs to Al, a friend of ours, although we didn't even know him when we sailed from Clarencetown. Since then, we have sailed with him in the Caribbean and he has sailed with us on "Now or Never! in the Bahamas.
So, tomorrow, we are off to Brunswick, GA where we keep our boat. We'll spend a day on Now or Never! getting ready for our winter cruise. then, we'll drive to Miami where we'll leave our car and fly to Antigua to join Al on Second wind. The plans are fluid, but we'll probably go North to Barbuda for a few days and then head South for Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St Lucia and the Grenadines.
We are looking forward to sunshine, water, palm trees and being on a boat again. We will probably stay with "Second Wind" for about 6 weeks. Then, we'll return to Now or Never! and spend the rest of the winter in the Bahamas.

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