Here are some pics of the devastation in the Bahamas:
Given that their main attraction is tourism, it is going to take a lot of time and money for them to recover. If they ever do.
At least social media is helping people to search for family and…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on September 6, 2019 at 12:11pm — No Comments
Waiting for a hurricane in Florida is, as the FB meme I saw yesterday said, like waiting for a turtle to stalk you. Everyone is aware of it, and in daily encounters people are generally nice overall, and wishing the best for everyone. Now everyone's final comment as you leave them, instead of "Have a nice day" is "Stay safe".
The lines on the boat are tied and we are ready for some winds. Some people in our marina are really waiting until the last minute. One boat has a…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on August 31, 2019 at 10:09am — No Comments
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Haven't blogged in a while, but with a hurricane in sight, my writer's block has disappeared somewhat.
Hurricane Dorian has Florida in her sights, specifically the east coast of Florida (as everyone knows who isn't on Gilligan's Island). August and September are normally the most active times, so at least she has her timing down.
Since the governor has declared a state of emergency, everyone is buying tons of water. Cases and cases of it. …
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on August 29, 2019 at 2:42pm — No Comments
I haven't had a computer for about 3 months so I haven't been able to blog. And then there was that pesky writer's block I have suffered from for the past year. Back in the saddle again with a refurbished Dell laptop that I am finding AWESOME for the money.
I continue in my attempts to single-hand the Owl. I am still practicing manuvering into my slip at the end of an afternoon sail, but I just need more confidence through practice. Still earning my Captain's hat, but…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on June 11, 2013 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
Gee, how's that for a title? Oh noes! A nonalliterative title....oh well!
Life continues on in the marina. I will be moving into the Owl in 2 weeks, around the Fourth of July.
Bogie the bird enjoys being out on the deck in his cage watching and listening to everything. The man across the dock whistles to him every morning, and Bogie is most enthusiastic joining in the chorus. African Greys are rulers of the whistle...and will always beat you in a…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on June 25, 2012 at 8:37am — No Comments
Everyone heard it here first!!! OH YEAH!!! I know we are all maintaining safe boating environments.
Next week is Hurricane Preparedness Week. Please see link:
There is even a Hurricane Preparedness Seminar in Orlando. It's June 1, 2012. …
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 23, 2012 at 7:32pm — No Comments
Sunday morning I saw some manatees in the marina! The marina has a lot of vegetation on the bottom, so often there are manatees around. These were the first ones I had seen for several months. Sometimes they nudge the Owl's bottom as they pass in the night. A most cool feeling.
A couple of years ago I saw a mama manatee and her baby. It was awesome! I love seeing them in their native environment, although I did enjoy seeing them at Sea World here in Otown. …
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 21, 2012 at 7:04pm — No Comments
It was overcast today in Orlando...YAY! Weather is now taking a turn to rain most afternoons right around rush hour. It's not QUITE to that point, but rain will be coming soon at that time.
Hurricane season starts in 2 weeks...WOW!!! I was reading the wikipedia article about the history of Orlando. The article states that Orlando as the location of WDW was chosen by Mr. Walt Disney because it was inland more than Tampa (one possible choice) so hurricanes would probably…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 14, 2012 at 7:45pm — No Comments
In continuation of my alliterative titles....OH YEAH!!!
So, what's your favorite beverage (other than water) to take on cruise? Obviously, one has to take water. Beer takes up a lot of room, and to keep it cold, one has to take a lot of ice. Even with the good maxi coolers and using blocks of ice to cool down the cooler, 3 to 4 days is about the limit. Of course, drinking should only be done when anchored and by responsible adults. ***painfully obvious…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 12, 2012 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments
Here I am...congratulating myself about my very "clever" alliterative blog titles lately...YAY ME!!
Out to the Owl this weekend. Will be preparing for a short cruise in two weeks. Excited about that...BUT...
I have roaches! And I don't leave any food onboard most weeks. However, the owner before me lived on her too, and I would guess they are into their 200th generation or something.
Yes, I know this is Florida....but I am going to be living out…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 10, 2012 at 7:19pm — 7 Comments
I decided to finally take my African Grey parrot, Bogie, out to the Owl this past weekend. I had been wanting to take him out there to acclimate him to the sailboat and the general atmosphere of the marina. When I say atmosphere, I mean the openness of physical area and the friendly chats that often go on between neighbors.
I had not been able to handle him for a while as I needed to get his claws and wings clipped. I have been a very bad parrot mommy because I kept…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 7, 2012 at 7:38pm — No Comments
you ever got off a free table in a marina?
OHHHHHH...PICK ME!! PICK ME!!! PLEASE....PICK ME!! [hand up in air]
One of the neatest things I ever found were two long out of print John D. McDonald books, neither of which I had read or even heard about. A excellent and most unexpected find which are the best kind, of course.
A friend of mine, Brian, found a toaster oven on the "free" table and uses it to this day on his sailboat. He said THAT…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 6, 2012 at 3:39pm — No Comments
I love summer. Let me repeat that: I LOVE summer!!! It is my favorite time of year, even though it's not the best sailing weather here in the BEST SAILING STATE IN THE US!!! Wind is generally light. Yes, it's like you are being ironed when walking outside....but on the water it's always so much better. YEAH!
So, I am reading Tom Sawyer for about the umpteeth time this week. What a fabulously great summer book! Mark Twain was a GREAT writer, and Tom…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on May 3, 2012 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments
Gee, nothing like suffering from writer's block for a while....WHEW!!! So, I am going to do better. I promise to post more often, if only to myself...***snort***
Am contemplating moving out to the Owl in July permanently. I am now living on her on the weekends, and it has been most challenging but do-able. I enjoy being able to…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on April 23, 2012 at 7:19pm — 1 Comment
I thought it might be useful to list some links related to hurricanes:
The granddaddy of them all...NOAA....tracking Irene:
Hurricane preparedness for the home:
Securing a boat for a hurricane: …
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on August 24, 2011 at 4:54pm — No Comments
It is looking more and more like Irene won't hit Florida directly, and so it looks like O Town is spared this time. To all those people in NC who are looking at an incoming devastating storm, I offer my prayers. Preparation is the key, as I am sure everyone knows.
We always keep emergency items in our house. There are always batteries (assorted sizes), at least 10 gallons of water, and food for at least a week. We have a radio that is our "hurricane radio". It…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on August 23, 2011 at 7:22pm — 3 Comments
Here we are starting Hurricane season 2011. It's generally fairly quiet at the beginning at the season so while everyone has their hurricane kit prepared, it isn't too pressing. YET. (operative word there)
Sailed out near Cocoa in the intercoastal this past Sunday. Winds picked up closer to noon with some excellent sailing just under the jib. YEAH. Why is it that sandwiches always taste so much better on the water? Yummy.
I have been practicing single…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on June 7, 2011 at 6:27pm — No Comments
Wind on the intercoastal yesterday was AWESOME!!!
Making speed up to 6 knots in the Owl, a great sail was had by all. Wind shifted in the afternoon, and we sailed north back to the marina at exhilerating speed!! It was one of those days that make you glad to be problems, just wind and sails and friends and later, adult beverages. Can't forget those! It was a spectacular day.
Saw lots of dolphins, diving ducks, along with a few pelicans. It is…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on February 22, 2011 at 8:01pm — No Comments
I am traveling this week for work via land vehicle (i.e. automobile) to down near Miami. No big deal, I do this once a year and it is a pleasant drive from O Town. .
I got the car packed up, then got on the road by 1:30 p.m. At the point of NO RETURN on my way out of O Town, I figured out I forgot my cell about if I just leave my arm instead? ARG!!! I manage to calm down, and figure that I will do fine because I will have internet and can call the hubby…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on February 15, 2011 at 8:15pm — No Comments
in the BEST sailing stae in the US...FLORIDA!!! And hasn't the weather been great? YEAH!! There is a reason that we endure hurricane season in this state and NOW is one of the main ones!
I hope everyone is having a great year, and sailing as much as possible. I have had some engine problems (fuel filters had to be replaced) but…
ContinueAdded by Charlotte Radford on February 10, 2011 at 8:18pm — No Comments
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