ok. we fixing an engine used to be named new blue.
this engine has had a big problem caused by an injector pump. …
ContinueAdded by zeehag on November 22, 2013 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments
ok...so we took the injector pump and lift pump and the tranny oil heat exchanger to the shop today- 600 pesos round trip---that is a lot of dough to lug a part for rebuild. it is also 140 miles round trip--
javier--the awesomest pump rebuilder in mexico. mebbe also in western…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on August 21, 2013 at 9:47pm — No Comments
there i sa bit of my engine that has been missing for over 2000 miles--and i donot remember ever seeing it in place. isnt something one would look for--is the plug or cap to the hole which is used to adjust the engine. could be for timing adjustments--i never had to have timing adjusted so i didnt think about the problem being something so simple.
this is a small plug or cap that covers a little adjustment port on the…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on May 27, 2013 at 5:00am — 8 Comments
zihuatenejo is a beautiful place. seems all the movies folks watch have some folks running away to zihuat--lol--is a gorgeous place with perfect weather.
the tourist industry is busy here, but in these days of bad market, there are fewer tourists here. seems no one in world is safe from this economic downfalling.…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on December 19, 2012 at 4:12pm — No Comments
not mine, as i do my own work ....someone else does your refitting--you go to sea. it breaks..WHAT YE GONNA DO-- call someone while out there or do it yourself--or will ye make the trip return to where it was done and gripe about it not working?? seems to me many do the latter bit--go back into the original port many miles backsliding from their destination to have original do-er redo the work. is ridiculous....why not do it yourself so it is done to your own…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on May 8, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments
i find many folks who write are just that--WRITERS. i amnot that..i used to be , but time and disabilities have created in me a rather unique typo-ing style. folks complain about not being able to read my words--ok. so i dont share many of my personal memories except as pictures. …
Continuei sit here waiting to repair what broke and some other stuff as well, and i watch th swells of th sea --- wanting to be there instead of in a harbor--- there is a peace in the ocean that does not exist in harbor or on land. there may be storms and seas and disrupted water, but there is a peace in htat.
there are also fishies......
i am convinced i should find a waterman as a mate, as opposed to any other kind of male ... watermen know the sea and the ways…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on May 29, 2011 at 12:45pm — No Comments
was advised i need to make a happy daance here-- so ---heeeeeere it is--LOL-
we made mazatlan with 3 gal of diesel to spare in tanage.>LOL.. made cabo in 60 kt winds which died to nothing by time we fueled and left there-- sooooooooooooooooooooo......am in mazatlan in old harbor with a broken alternator bracket and dirty tank-- both will be fixed soon, and some woodwork needs to be effected,as th 60 kt winds took off some caprail -- the decorative sternrail that bends…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on May 28, 2011 at 3:28pm — No Comments
minding my own business, as usual, and was a t a neighbors watching a yannie voices concert, eating pizza.. was awesome! went home and got ready for night--heard loudnessa nd disruptiveness...... was a panga with a rack on it loitering and calling out the neighbor immediately next door. he was at work, and the guys knew it, seems....that was 2345.
at 2400, they returned-- i had just gottn into my bed--AGAIN-- with lights out and quilt almost to myneck, same engine…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on April 21, 2011 at 6:30pm — 5 Comments
we were minding our p's and q's, as we raised the mizzen in sd, it was already ripped--- was not ripped when inspected at dock....strange..number one...
we sailed on th e prefrontal winds as far as salsipuedes, then , as one…
ContinueAdded by zeehag on January 28, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments
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