
Featured Blog Posts – July 2010 Archive (3)

Still a great place to sail

Well, we got lucky when another Tropical Storm "Bonnie" fizzed out prior to landfall here on the gulf coast. It was a good news for an area still dealing with the oil mess however, this I expect was the first of several potential storms yet to develop this season. Even with this, it's still a great place to live and sail. Just remember "The Mississippi Gulf Coast is open for business"

Added by Kurt on July 24, 2010 at 9:45pm — No Comments

Soul mate wanted

So where are the "single sailors" who are looking for a soul mate? So many on the single sailors list are couples! I've been sailing for 8 years and would love to find a "soul mate" to enjoy the ride with for long term.

Added by Sward Lockwood on July 24, 2010 at 7:41pm — 28 Comments

Now, on a more positive side. . .

In my last post I lamented about the challenges of selecting compatable crew. Having had three team members seek greener pastures, I was torn between frustration and disappointment. The disappointment arose when I questioned for a moment the consequences of my behavior which led to a divorce from a trio I had come to care about. The frustration was facing the challenge of seeking replacements. Fortunately, finding replacements was easier than I thought. Wtihin an hour any sadness I felt was…


Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 11, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

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How to Make an Free Email Account?

No matter which provider you choose, creating a free email is a simple process. But, it’s still important to know best practices so you can have one that fits your needs the best. The purpose of an email is to provide a space for you to have easy, secure communications. Select an email provider based on your needs as a user. Think about which features, such as top-tier security, email scheduling capabilities, or integrations,…See More
Apr 16
Patrick Findaro posted a discussion

Leading ASP.NET Development Company

ASP.NET is a popular web development framework that is widely used by developers and businesses to build robust and scalable web applications. ASP.NET supports a wide range of programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic, which makes it a versatile choice for developers who are familiar with these languages. ASP.NET is designed to be scalable, which means it can handle large amounts of traffic and data. This can be a good choice for businesses that anticipate rapid growth in their user…See More
Mar 29
Patrick Findaro is now a member of SeaKnots
Mar 29
Robert & Sandy replied to sam's discussion eyebrow salon window re-bed in the group Beneteau 40 & 43
"Hello all, I realise coming into this year old conversation could be somewhat strange though sharing advice is always beneficial.. Our B43 had her port large saloon window repaired under warranty after it developed a gap and obvious leak. The boat…"
Mar 12

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