
April 2013 Blog Posts (11)

Bliss it is....

January 11, 2013 seems like eons ago. The frenetic pace that moved me from a comfortably numb existence to living the dream is overwhelming. Where have I been these past three months, where am I now, and where am I going are the questions I am learning to answer in the present tense. Following the philosophy of Eckhart Toll in his books about the "Power of Now" it is clear that doing so empowers one to enjoy the roses along life's twists and turns.

Weaving philosophy throughout my…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on April 15, 2013 at 11:48am — 3 Comments

A sweet day with my daughter.


I awoke at 0600 and after making the needed head call I returned to my bunk to check out the weather on my Kindle, read the USA Today news, and listen to Pandora’s comedy channel for a bit. Tim, my friend from the marina, had invited me to ...join him to get breakfast so I got…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 10, 2013 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Getting things done

Kai, one of my daughter’s very good friends, and I drove down to the boat Sunday morning with plans to do some maintenance and boat chores.  Kai is interested in the boating life style and had asked several times to come along with me.  It was fun to have his company as he talked about his studies in college, his aspiration to become a video game developer, as well as some of his opinions about a plethora of topics.  It…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 9, 2013 at 8:32am — No Comments

She was irreplaceable, we "world-wide" will never have such a stronger allied, so acquainted with politics on a world scale.  Blue collar raised, and she applied it towards her position, she did amazing things. She was not only part of history, she made history! No one will ever replace her, or her skill set.

Added by Sherry on April 8, 2013 at 11:28am — No Comments

West Coast visit

Yesterday was superlative in every way imaginable.  Driving into Crescent City from Smith River, Marina and I joined my brothers Steve and Michael, along with their spouses, Lori and Antoinette, for breakfast at the North Woods Inn.  The jokes, quips, and laughter made our table one seriously raucous focal point for bemused glances from the other patrons.  Even out server got caught up in our…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 9:02am — No Comments

Inverter install

Down to the boat Saturday morning.  I got a late start, mostly because I stayed up later that I should have.  I went to Jude’s third birthday party last night and drank a cup of coffee; Jude may soon become my grandson because it looks like... my daughter, Marina, is going to marry Jude’s dad, Josh.  At any rate the coffee kept me up, at least in…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:59am — No Comments

Sailing with my Daughter.

Just about 3:30 AM on Monday morning I awoke to the sound of rain on the deck above my head in the aft cabin’s bunk where I was snug under the covers.  Great, I thought, it is raining and my day of sailing with Marina is shot.  I made a head call and back under the covers I switched on my Kindle, selected the Weather Channel app and was able…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:57am — No Comments

Easy day

It was good to get down to the marina to check on the boat.  The weather was clear, if cool, but that did not prevent me from taking a much needed boat inspection trip.  I had left my bicycle up in the parking lot so I swung a leg over the and peddled down the dock to my boat slip.  I didn’t see anyone on the dock or on any of the boats even…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:54am — No Comments

Not getting much done

Filled with ambitious plans for a productive weekend working on the boat I arrived shortly before Noon at the dock in Bridgeton just across the river north of New Bern.  A quick check of the boat revealed that the canvas cover for the hatch... above the V-berth had come adrift and some water had leaked onto the storm sail in its bag and the cushion…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:49am — No Comments

failed oil change

Last week, on Monday, I had plans to revisit the engine oil issues on the boat.  It was going to be a bit warmer and the diesel engine shop was going to be open so I could pickup an oil filter for my old Perkin (1987) engine.  The Greybeard... pump (…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:48am — No Comments

Oil change

A perfect Spring day, the sun held the promise of warmer days ahead, the breeze was out of the south which suggests that last week’s freezing nights are shortly to be history, and it was payday yesterday so I can afford to buy a few boat things.  As I arrived at the dock the parking lot seemed quite a bit fuller than I’ve been accustom to.  I’m guessing, but it could be the weather and nice weather always brings out the…

Added by John V. G. Mayton on April 1, 2013 at 8:45am — No Comments

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eToro is a social trading and multi-asset brokerage company specialising in financial and copy trading services. It was founded in 2007 and has since grown into one of the largest and most well-known platforms for trading and investing in various assets, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, forex, and indices. One of eToro's standout features is its social trading platform, which allows users to observe and mimic the trades of experienced and successful traders. This feature,…See More
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