"Hi All,
french built 2010 43 has been very dry down below but now a slow leak has occurred which is showing at the limber holes under the floor board in forward cabin. Bilge pump goes every 3hrs for 20secs. Not sure if it’s fresh/rain water or…"
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one end of port settee
one on steps...that would be good for cook as close to stove etc
I took out my range for a college refrige w freezer..can prefreeze those gel paks, and then put in bottom of fridge, or in boat ice box. Refrige can be used as ice box,,,more handy than ice box..I put pans etc in boat ice box at the moment.
I use 2 burner (see on top of microwave) I will use outside grill at sea...
Just stumbled in, and invite you to see my F30, In and out on my page...I think it will work for you and your wife. I find extra storage in plastic bins in the aft berth,,over the engine (easy slide out), and the whole under area there.
Also behind the vee berth behind the head bulkhead
You hit the nail on the head with respect to the drawbacks of the F30. Storage is really on the lean side. I suppose you could stuff enough personal effects behind the setees for a week or two, but for stores as in food its also really tight. The cabins are small but thats not too much of an inconveneince. I too like the aft cabin over the V-berth however my wife prfers the lighter more ariy feeling of the V-berth. Either way both are adequate for sleeping or resting. The main salon is pushing it for 6 people. 4 will fit around the drop down table but the extra 2 will need to sit on the steps or one along the port setee but with not table in front of them. The cockpit is fine for 6+. I have some nice stern perch seats made by the previous owner. Very delightful place to sit. This leaves the cockpit open for easily another 4-6 people. Sailingwise they're exactly the same with the obvious expectations that the F36 sails more powerfully and a bit faster. But you won't be disappointed with the F30 and how it performs. For me I normally have no more than 4 people aboard and its comfortable for almost all requirements. The head is a bit small but its of little consequence and the shower is adequate. I suspect you'll find F30's in the upper 30's range and maybe some F36's in the 60's to 70's. I'm quite busy with work lately but if I free up some time I'll download some pics of my F30. Again the later generation Pedrick boats are at another price level entirely. Don't know if I've helped much but let me know if you have any other questions or concerns or ideas etc.
Aah yes. I know Mason well. He and I had great times sailing my F36 out of Newport harbor. I was also told of the "software guy" who bought hull F42 #1. I was aboard F42 hull #1 when it first arrived in California. Of course I was eyeing it with envy! I've looked at the F45's for sale and the prices were a bit high for me so I just play with the F30 for now. I had my F36 in a charter program in San Diego around 1991 when I sold it to a very charismatic Italian guy named Guido. Don't know where it is today. I took a hiatus from sailing for about 17 years. Just got my little F30 about 10 months ago out of Annapolis and had it shipped to Thailand. I'm a Freedom disciple. This is my 3rd. Had an F28 cat ketch in the early 80's that I sailed out of Long Beach and LA Harbor. When I bought my F36 I put the F28 in charter and it was sunk by some guy putting it on the rocks off an island past Catalina. Seems like quite a few good deals are out there with regards F36/38. The newer F35 Pedrick designs are still a bit high priced I think. My F30 Mull is of course exactly the same as the F36 Mull. I got my F30 from a great guy that was/is really active on the yahoo Freedom owners group, Al Lorman. He did quite a few nice upgrades and the boat is superb. I improved on it a bit but at this point its pretty much set-up ideally. Just added refrigeration too. Its bloody hot out here but adding A/C is not practical because not much room to put any more gear. Well...stay active on Seaknots and check out the Yahoo Freedom owners site as well as FreeedomYachts.org. (A new site recently set-up by some of the guys from the Yahoo site). I travel extensively around Asia for work (medical equipment sales) and thus I'm sometimes a bit delinquent in my replies.
Take Care,
I've got a Freedom 30 at the moment but previously had a Freedom 36 in the late 80's when I lived aboard in Newport Beach, Ca. Now I'm living in Thailand. Did you buy your F42 from Jerry Blakeslee of Pacific Yachts or something like that? I recall and early F42 being delivered arund the same time I got my boat. What happened to your F42/45?