
all kinds of excitement out there, now----yay el nino-----hawaii is having a guillermo--is now a hyurrycame--and the east coast has 2 in and around the atlantic to watch and the fla and carib areas have 2 to watch....el nino is acting up and wants to have a tantrum.....everyone stay safe aqnd avoid bad weather!!!!

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Good!!! Went down to boat today to put out more fenders, lines..put an extra wrap on jib & mainsail. Got there, looked out a the Bay and said..would be a shame if we didn't sail! So sailed for a couple of hours, then came in and secured Twizzled a bit. Happy Sailorette!!!!! ~~~~~~~/)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Predicted to pass offshore here on sunday morning. Just high surf here and some rain. Will stay in harbor until it calms down. Hope to be out there on tuesday.
azores area has 3 more for us---i hope they alll fizzzzle out--i wanna sail NOW!!!!!
Hey Zee isn't this a good time of year to be in California? I hear some people just are in the wrong place at the wrong time....Grin
i know--kalifornikators have dry summers--i needed a change so i fled perfection and went to when i am done here i will go to kaliforny and get my boats ready for the winter there---should be exciting, as is el nino and those years are hell on wheelz for kali ---storms and cold and high winds from hell-around 65 mph, many times---then come back to experience some virgin island bliss....LOL....just in time for christmas!!!!! ( is the plan, anyway----and we all know the best laid plan of mice and man.........!!!!!!)


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