
July 2009 Blog Posts (16)

Anybody sailing around the Tampa Bay area?

Hope to hear. Joni

Added by floridasaillady on July 27, 2009 at 7:47pm — No Comments

In the Med, in the news, in the tabloids

Yes, I know, it’s been a while. But our trip didn’t end with an ocean crossing. We still have a long way to go before we reach Barcelona, especially since we plan to spend a few weeks exploring some of Italy’s most fascinating islands.

So after a surprise going-away-breakfast organized by Josh and Giulia (now crew on s/v Gray Lady) we left Lagos for the Mediterranean sea.…


Added by CAN DRAC on July 24, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

A fairly quiet season so far....

And so it goes. No real big tropical depressions out there yet. Note that operative word: yet. It is our traditionally hot and rainy season here in Touristland,. Rain during the rush hour on your way home from work. more often than not.

Taking out the Sea Owl this weekend for her maiden voyage. We are taking crew son, Ben and his long time friend, JP. This should be VERY interesting and fun. The way the hubby and I figure it is that the more people on board the more… Continue

Added by Charlotte Radford on July 23, 2009 at 5:57pm — 2 Comments

July 21, 2009

Internet keeps kicking me off. Everytime I start to respond specifically to Jane, Scott, Lola, and Sonia I get a message that says I either opened or closed a new tab and walla kazaam suddenly everything goes away. So, I am ending this quickly and will then attempt a blog post. Lola, I appreciate your offer for assistance. Seems it was water in the fuel line which has been solved by adding, "water zorb" to each tankful. It only needs a capful or two but the problem has definitely, and… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 21, 2009 at 9:55pm — 1 Comment

Moving forward.

A dream has to start with an introduction, and then we see to it they happen. Having introduced myself to sailing inland waters ten years ago, I have been contemplating a life as a cruising sailor. I’ve been doing what it takes to make my dream a reality, regardless the stress. I decided to sell the house which I had to remodel and give it what it needed to sell, many upgrades as it is an older home from the 70’s. A remodel is something I never want to experience again anytime soon. It was… Continue

Added by ___/)ances With Sails on July 19, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Here comes a pix

Another new experience; I am going to try and upload a pix of the knarly sky today before sunset. It was taken between Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach along the rock sided ditch. The marina is nicely kept and a great shelter. Well, as sheltered as one can usually get, but for those details you'll have to read my… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 17, 2009 at 12:14am — 4 Comments

Memory Improvement

So I am sitting at the bar of the Anchor's Away Cafe in North Myrtle Beach; alone but content to just daze over my chicken quesadilla. The waitress offers me a Women's Day magazine politely saying, "Here, this will probably be better than listening to a all these men." Truthfully, I hadn't even noticed others were talking. Guess I'm tired from a long cruise. Anyway, according to some source you can improve your memory for things like where you left your keys if you wear your watch on the wrist… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 16, 2009 at 8:30pm — 4 Comments

Texas Vacation

July came in quietly in the O town, just a lot of rain which is normal for us. Rain all summer helps us to be green and tropical at Christmas when Florida is the best place to be in the US. Just as it's the BEST SAILING STATE IN THE US!

Mostly the Tourist Town natives get out of town during this period of time. Helps us avoid the heat AND the tourists. Works for me!

Vacationing in land locked north Texas. Weather here is pretty doggone hot. And NO rain on their… Continue

Added by Charlotte Radford on July 13, 2009 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Good judgement

This morning I was mad that I used good judgement and stayed on the ICW; but T-G I did not go outside. This afternoon I am having a pity party because the motor kept shutting off, the wind is howling at 25, I'm tied to a dock and not feeling very secure as the fenders keep popping off; I barely made it to this dock but it's on my lee side, so I'm having to sit with my feet pressing against the boat when the North Carolina power boaters seem to think going full throttle is some kind of fun.… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 12, 2009 at 4:54pm — 6 Comments

Sailor's Demise

Well, here I am in Beaufort, North Carolina. About a month ago I was in Wrightsville, North Carolina, doing as I am at this moment--carefully checking the weather forecast. My plan to sail the coast along this route was cancelled due to a northeast wind as I headed toward Norfolk.Now, the night before I want to head toward home, southwest from Beaufort to Wrightsville, all forecasters are telling me the wind will be S/SW.

Pooey, I say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Even… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 11, 2009 at 10:04pm — 1 Comment

Summer Time is Finally Here

Havent been on seaknots much lately, finally been warm enough to get outside and enjoy life. Been working mainly on the yard; planting, mulching, not to mention the weeding (the people who owned this house before me must not have weeded the planter areas in years), and working on the garden (have some nice tomatoes and peppers coming in). Will try to be on a bit more, but will most likely be on much more when it starts to get cooler out (which should be sooner than later since I live in… Continue

Added by Kevin on July 10, 2009 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments

And, on this day we rest

Day 38

We are docked at the Elizabeth City Municipal Marina. which is not exactly as described in the Waterway Guide. Perhaps the authors never spent time in Lowell, Massachusetts. For those of you who have had the privilege, suffice to say Elizabeth City is a smaller version. The red brick buildings, though not as tall or numerous as in Lowell, they are reminiscent of the days of sweat factories; a town wanting to revitalize but amidst their near come back a few years ago they had… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 7, 2009 at 5:04pm — 1 Comment

People, not places

We all know the cliche, it's not the place it is the people. So, it is that my plans to make Sandy Hook were changed when I learned (a) that my #1 sister, Jane and my #1 Sea Knots friend, Suki would meet me at Chesapeake City, (b) that my boss was able to hire my favorite couseling colleague to start the school year with me, and (c) that my husband really does worry about it. Blessing my decision to turn around after spending two days at the northern most part of the Chesapeake were the 3 days… Continue

Added by Marlene A. Sassaman on July 5, 2009 at 9:33pm — 1 Comment

ST4000 Wheel Steering

I have a ST4000 wheel autopilot. The problem I am experiencing is that when I go to standby and diengage the lever on the wheel it still drags.
Has anyone else experienced this issue or know how to reoair this issue.

Added by Ed on July 2, 2009 at 9:14pm — No Comments

Williamson WR 621 180 4.

They just went up about 10 points on my cool meter. The ultra thin women depicted in the media are constantly subconsciously influencing Americans. At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Hundreds of University of Nebraska jobs could be at stake under a state budget proposal now under consideration by the Legislature. When I was a mere pup, my family moved to the suburbs of the big city of Atlanta from rural south Georgia.… Continue

Added by John Wane on July 2, 2009 at 1:50pm — No Comments

seeking referrals for a s/v on the move

I'm in ST Croix and open to any voyage. Thank you in advance if you could help me network for new friends.

Added by marybeth on July 2, 2009 at 8:28am — 1 Comment

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How to Make an Free Email Account?

No matter which provider you choose, creating a free email is a simple process. But, it’s still important to know best practices so you can have one that fits your needs the best. The purpose of an email is to provide a space for you to have easy, secure communications. Select an email provider based on your needs as a user. Think about which features, such as top-tier security, email scheduling capabilities, or integrations,…See More
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Leading ASP.NET Development Company

ASP.NET is a popular web development framework that is widely used by developers and businesses to build robust and scalable web applications. ASP.NET supports a wide range of programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic, which makes it a versatile choice for developers who are familiar with these languages. ASP.NET is designed to be scalable, which means it can handle large amounts of traffic and data. This can be a good choice for businesses that anticipate rapid growth in their user…See More
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