
So where are the "single sailors" who are looking for a soul mate? So many on the single sailors list are couples! I've been sailing for 8 years and would love to find a "soul mate" to enjoy the ride with for long term.

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Comment by Gary B on August 4, 2010 at 10:29pm
In fact, maybe some other folks would like to meet up out there? If so, let's pick a date and we can all descend on Sward's digs, eat all her food and drink all her rum!! :)
Comment by Gary B on August 4, 2010 at 10:26pm
We're all stray cats. I thnk sailing folks tend to be self reliant, independent minded and somewhat self-protective, all of which makes it harder for us to let someone inside our boundaries too quickly. Add to that the fact that we tend to prefer the sound of the ocean than the sound of the party most of the time, we tend to be nomadic and never quite completely join the 'village' where we live at any given moment, and we make for less than ideal candidates for the village social.

But we can make our own social life! In that line, I may be coming out to Martha's Vineyard sometime in the next week to see the wooden boat guy Miles Farlow (sp?). He has some Sitka Spruce that I need for my mast. If you're going to be around we can meet up somewhere and I'll buy you a cold one. :) I'll have to drive out there to bring the wood back on top of my car, so I'm going to come as early as I can before the automobile rush gets too intense. I'd like to do it during the week but I don't know if I can pull that off.
Comment by Joe Goodrow on August 4, 2010 at 4:58pm
I've been wondering the same thing, but haven't been willing to put it out there like that... I think so many of us are out there sailing our own way that we don't really notice all the people sailing by at a safe distance that are by them selves. We wave, but how many would raft up with a stranger. We say we want a soul mate, but who's willing to give up sailing their own boat, however humble, to sail as crew on anothers? I'm a part time sailor, weekends and anytime I can get away. Full time is just a dream.
Comment by Sward Lockwood on July 31, 2010 at 6:24pm
Your right-just wish I had someone to share the experience with, and help fix things. I am certainly out there-cruising full time. I've decided to stop looking. As you said it will happen when its' time-what's taking so long though ?????!!!!!
Comment by sailorgirlca on July 31, 2010 at 10:09am
ladies....we are doing nothing wrong.....we are sailiig our our to what may be....the rest is up to fate and be it
Comment by Silver girl on July 31, 2010 at 8:33am
If I knew the answer to that riddle, I wouldn't be single! More time on or around water would probably help. I have a nearly a month off school, but with heat index over 100 so I stay in the air-conditioning. In spite of heat, I'd like to spend this time rescuing gulf wildlife if I knew how to hook-up with folks needin another team member.
Comment by Sward Lockwood on July 30, 2010 at 5:17pm
Your right-being on the water in any boat is a good thing. What are we doing wrong not to find someone?
Comment by Silver girl on July 30, 2010 at 3:58pm
Aye aye skipper.... sigh.... where ARE they??? Thought I found him at a national regatta last year, but coast-to-coast romance did not hold. Today on Lake Allatoona Bonnie's last breezes have broken our heat wave, but I have no crew to sail with. Just returned from a ride on friends' pontoon. Motor boat better than no boat. I recall summers at uncle's vineyard haven place, very nice.

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