"Hi All,
french built 2010 43 has been very dry down below but now a slow leak has occurred which is showing at the limber holes under the floor board in forward cabin. Bilge pump goes every 3hrs for 20secs. Not sure if it’s fresh/rain water or…"
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A Technique I've used when my windlass quit was to take a long dock or other line from the rode to the primary winch. Use a rolling hitch on either chain or rope and bring it back to the cockpit. It is easier if someone drives the boat over the anchor. it works single handed too, though. power slowly in the direction you think the anchor is. stop, take in the slack, the reposition the boat. depending on scope, you may have to retie the line to the rode several times. The good thing about shallow florida water is you don't need much rode out. Is this clear?
Thanks for noting my anchoring question! Essentially I have a 35# CQR for the main anchor on my Allied Princess 36 Ketch. The manual windless is experiencing some "issues" which I can't afford to address.
However, down here in Florida there is A LOT OF SHALLOW Water, and I find difficulty getting the anchor back aboard. when I was on the ICW I would end up anchoring most ever night somewhere, and many days it took over 2.5 hours to get the anchor free. I know being on a solo passage complicated the pprocedure, but ther has to be abetter way to retrieve the hook.
Hope that clarifies the question.
Capt Tom & Queen Olivia
Thought may be duplicate?