seems that when we made our last scalded dog run from hell to slidell that we found some submerged oil---JAY--READ THIS!!!!!!!--
we would not have known about it except hat when phillip hauled out the boat this past week, he found the bottom paint to have become useless--rubbery and barnacles all over bottom of boat.; phillip called petit--manufacturers oif trinidad. the rep said there is to be a class action suit against bp for the repainting of any boats that went thru the oil and need paint ----JAY CHECK YOUR BOTTOM PAINT--if we went thru oil then so did you!!!!!!!
seems that as we were waaay far out into the gulf when e ran for port st joe--may have been there then--dont know exactly when we go tit--but the most likely time would have been on our last out in 228 ft water, about 100 mi off psj......the damage is below 6-8 in deep from waterline----
david smedley--check ours also--you followed us thru ft myers---could have been there --we were very far into gulf when we came back for weather....
if thwere is anyone i didnt name in this , please check your paint and go for haulout so you are covered.
the oil will render your paint useless. if you have been sailing anywherein the gulf, save all receipts and the petit rep will count you in if you need new bottom paint on your hulll. seems gelcoat is ok-jus tpaint is rubbery and useless.
contact me for info--phil has the phone number and info for this.....