“You’re going to a lot of places where they don’t value human life like we do.” That was the reaction Gregg A. Granger received when sharing with other friends and relatives, his plans to sail around the world with his wife, two teenage daughters, and five-year-old son.
Prior to their departure, the Grangers’ sailing experience was limited to one week aboard a charter in Florida, and a sixteen-foot Hobie Cat at their Gun Lake, Michigan, home.
The journey was about travel and culture, but more about relationships. Relationships with their creator, with each other, with people on similar journeys, and with others in the thirty-eight countries the Grangers visited during their four and a half years abroad.
Learning to sail was the least of the obstacles they faced as they travelled head-long into places where they struggled through preconceptions and prejudices to discover how strong and how wrong their preconceptions were.
Time abroad also afforded the Grangers a view of America from a different and not always popular perspective.
The impact of malaria, broken bones, storms and other struggles was a small price to pay for the personal and family growth they experienced; that same impact was dwarfed by the Created world and goodness the Granger family witnessed.
Cover Photo: Anzac Bridge, Sydney, Australia