
January 2012 Blog Posts (15)

So I lied

At least the prevarication was only to myself. Indeed, I was tired today. The past 3 days had me on an emotional high as SPRAY took 2nd place to having any physical work being done. That's not entirely true as I did complete the stern castle window, have the helm lines adjusted, and the bottom cleaned. What I need to do right now is get off this blog and order the auto helm belts. Before that, I need to thank who  ever is in charge of Sea Knots for featuring my previous blog.


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 29, 2012 at 9:28pm — 5 Comments

The Whole Trip North from Stuart, FL to New Bern, NC: sailing from summer to winter.

We got underway from Stuart, Florida a bit later than we had wished. A last minute problem with the propane system required some expert help be called. With a bit of assistance from the broker who sold us the boat and an email to the former owners, Ken and Becky Gunderson, who are in Thailand, we got a hold of a competent electrician. So about Noon we cast off and proceeded down the river towards the ICW. It was my first time to transit an opening bridge, so you can imagine I was…


Added by John V. G. Mayton on January 29, 2012 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Back to Work

Enough foolishness, it is time to get the to do list caught up. At least that was today's intention; to be honest it was on the back burner while I allowed other thoughts, hopes and dreams take a precendance. It is just so easy to get discouraged. Duh?

So, with a vengence I made a note to myself and pasted it in strategic places around the house. Get SPRAY ready to go . . .

Get the house ready to rent . . . Work out, eat right, stick to the plan. . .

At least I drove by…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 25, 2012 at 10:25pm — No Comments

I Can See Clearly Now

Ay! With a new permanent lens in my right eye I can see clearly. Cruising up the same area of the ICW where I have sailed for 30 years, I could finally see the landmark house that guides into Ballard Park.  More importantly, I  clearly see where my life is going. The vision of sailing out Port Canaveral on a warm sunny day is crystal clear.  Nervously rounding the fartheest channel mark, setting a northerly course, wondering how the weather will be are visible images that compel me to be…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 23, 2012 at 4:20am — 1 Comment

ay, what a night

While going on 41 hours of no sleep, an old friend , Pat calls about 7:25 pm. The timing was perfect for the two of us to take a walk  to the beach to watch a delta rocket being launched into space. With clear skies to the south, ORION was proudly displaying his beautiful stance. Back home I admit to crying as Pat and I parted ways.

Because sleep continued to evade me I decided to conquer my fear of relaxing in the hot tub when no one else is home. By this time a random assortment of…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 19, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

good week-end ahead

With the rudder and one solar panel on, and two new batteries on the way, it is time to pump up the dinghy, install the other solar panel, then zip on the dodger.  With all these dodads done  SPRAY should be all set for a Friday evening or Saturday daytime sail. With a little luck I will have a special guest on board. Then for fun my women's team will embark up the river about two hours to join the East Coast Sailing Association's frostbite cruise and bar-b-que at Ballard Park.



Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 19, 2012 at 5:21am — 1 Comment

good week-end ahead

With the rudder and one solar panel on, and two new batteries on the way, it is time to pump up the dinghy, install the other solar panel, then zip on the dodger.  With all these dodads done  SPRAY should be all set for a Friday evening or Saturday daytime sail. With a little luck I will have a special guest on board. Then for fun my women's team will embark up the river about two hours to join the East Coast Sailing Association's frostbite cruise and bar-b-que at Ballard Park.



Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 19, 2012 at 5:21am — No Comments

good week-end ahead

With the rudder and one solar panel on, and two new batteries on the way, it is time to pump up the dinghy, install the other solar panel, then zip on the dodger.  With all these dodads done  SPRAY should be all set for a Friday evening or Saturday daytime sail. With a little luck I will have a special guest on board. Then for fun my women's team will embark up the river about two hours to join the East Coast Sailing Association's frostbite cruise and bar-b-que at Ballard Park.



Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 19, 2012 at 5:21am — No Comments


With temperatures about to dip down to 39 degrees by 6 am I am almost all snuggled in for the long winter's night. It is interesting how cozy and securie I feel in the crew's bunk. It is a narrow one so there isn't much room for the lap top, lantern, pleasure reading book, clothes catalogs and of course, my teddy bear. Yea, I can drive back home to my big 4 bedroom house, queen size bed, ultra soft leather sofa and a full professional style office. But It's lonely there and confusing. I…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 14, 2012 at 9:48pm — No Comments

Bring it On,,,,,

As Tony Horton frequently says during his P90X work outs, I will capitalize on his words and say to each of you, "Bring it On 2012." Never before has a new year begun with such optimism. Every where you look opportunity abounds. Certainly when it comes to sailing there is no shortage of activity, especially when one lives in the sunshine state. While most local sailing is done during the day, when the full moon rises over the coast on a cloudless navy blue sueded sky, how can you not be on…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 9, 2012 at 8:52pm — No Comments

The Quest Continued, Part 2

The inspection trip may not actually happen. Been waiting for the owner to e-mail information he promised, but nothing yet.

Added by Drew on January 7, 2012 at 5:05pm — No Comments

Gonna live on my boat

Dec 14, 2011

Don"t know why Dec gets me active about my boat...but I will start sleeping and living on the boat ...Cats have to come too.  Having pets do tie me down, but my girls do pretty well on the boat up to now.  I have not startrd the engine…


Added by LOLA on January 7, 2012 at 1:30pm — 12 Comments

The Quest, Continued

Heading down to Merritt Island Monday to check out a Seafarer 38 ketch. she sounds like a little bit of a project boat, but that's OK with me.

Added by Drew on January 7, 2012 at 10:23am — No Comments

The Quest

By the end of the year, I will be back in a bluewater capable cruising sailboat. I had abandoned this idea for the space and creature comforts of a powerboat, but have come to realize that all those creature comforts come with too high a price. The power boat is on the market, and I have begun my search for a solid, seaworthy vessel that will still aford a modicum of comfort while at the dock.

Added by Drew on January 4, 2012 at 4:56pm — No Comments


Wow, what a holiday this has been. Can't believe it has been about 18 days since my last post. Christmas Eve was designed to be a simple solo evening on the boat where I planned to revive my 62 1/2 year old Teddy Bear. Poor Teddy, he has lost most of his furr, the bell in his ear is hanging out and lost its jingle and his belly is split open. I don't know what they stuffed him with back in 1948 but it's good stiff material so his internal organs are in great shape. Its been so long, probably…


Added by Marlene Anne Sassaman on January 2, 2012 at 8:34am — 1 Comment

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