
Dirk's Comments

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At 11:46am on October 6, 2012, Amelia said…

Hello dear,I'm Amelia by name,I have something very important to discuss with you,please kindly email be back( will be waiting to hear from you soon.Thanks

At 9:57pm on December 23, 2010, Sherry gave Dirk a gift
Happy holidays Dirk!
At 11:42am on May 12, 2010, kristine kruzich said…

I was trying to think of which place under the bridge you were talking about......Back Packers??? I know it well friends with the owner. As far as people here yes they are a strange breed.....I could tell you stories. Yes I am searching to be a liva board or even a chef for someone on their boat. Need to make money now since the non for profit needs to rest for awhile until I can financially get it going again. I am trying at least. Just to give you an idea I have long dark hair and dark eyes I am american but Cayman is home to me.......I am second generation born to america but Croatian 100%. I am about 5´3 and 115. If that helps you. How about you?? Any luck finding someone to cruise with?? How old are you?? What is your nationality?? Ok hope to find you on facebook or yahoo I am at (not .com ..).....
At 11:31am on May 12, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Hey Dirk I am here now if you are is 9:29 am and I have about an hour on here yet....I am using a friends computer as I live here with her for now. I am 41, I would like to post a picture but have a hard time doing so but if you go to my face book page you will see my photos. If you are around lets chat.......
At 5:56pm on May 10, 2010, kristine kruzich said…

I am on now are you there??? Its 4pm Guat time!!!! Hope to catch you.
At 11:53am on May 10, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Hi Dirk,

Yes I travel a bit with my non for profit is based on creating economically self-sustaining villages. It has been a long road thus far and my funder is at the point with his work that he cant fund me anymore. However I am looking to do liveaboards for people and that has been rough to find. It is a beautiful area......however the boaters here are a strange breed to say the least. I am enjoying my time but difficult at times as everyone is so much older than me. I am on line now until about 10:30 am it is 9:51 now. Perhaps I will find you online here. I havent been to tortugal yet but but I hear it is really nice. Texan Bay I would like to try out though. Well hopefully we can catch up. Thanks and have a great day!!!
At 12:20pm on May 7, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Still looking to catch up to you Dirk. Hope your having a great day!!!!
At 12:35pm on May 6, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Wow well you have moved around as much as I Sounds fun. Sorry to hear you won¨t be back in these parts anytime soon. I was in a little village Cofradia for my first project but I had to scrap it after a few gringos thought they could misapproprieate funds I set up for them. Ugh. So off to Belize I went found another project there but tabled until Aug. So I am here in Guat. I too have been all over the US. I use to run an office in Brookfield Wisc many years ago and then Manhattan for 3 years before Cayman. Yes Cayman is home to me....I just love it there, use to free dive for conch and lobster during season.....great fun!!!!! I won´t be on line much longer at the moment as it is shared with someone else who needs to get on. I can check for you later this afternoon. Take care talk soon!! Have an awesome day!!!!

River Jane....Kristine
At 12:20pm on May 6, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Hey there I am here sorry it didnt alert me of your message.....are you on chat now??? I cant find you.
At 11:11am on May 6, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Where oh where has sailor Dirk gone????? lol.
At 9:58am on May 5, 2010, kristine kruzich said…
Good Morning Dirk,

Thanks for writing...I spent 3 mos in Honduras 3 mos in Belize and now yes currently I am in Guatemala in Rio Dulce. I will be here until August maybe longer. I have yet to find a sailing vessel to mate upon however fingers crossed. I am from Chicago originally but call Cayman home as I spent two years there. Working on building a non for profit for economically self-sustaining villages but the task has been challenging hence my move to Guatemala. Sorry I missed you when you were here. Where are you from in the states??? When will you be back to Rio Dulce?? Are you a mate on ships or do you have one?? Thanks look forward to hearing from you.
At 2:33pm on March 10, 2009, Kate said…
Hey Dirk, You are one of the only members I've found in the PNW. Do you have your own boat?

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