"Hi All,
french built 2010 43 has been very dry down below but now a slow leak has occurred which is showing at the limber holes under the floor board in forward cabin. Bilge pump goes every 3hrs for 20secs. Not sure if it’s fresh/rain water or…"
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Why the hostle reply? This is a note between us on a page that does not come under the control of the club. The club will harvast the seeds it plants today in future years. I would be more conserned about the sustainability of thier busness model then saving sacred cows. I found it remarkable that you choose not to answer any of my questions but to take observations about the club personnaly. Note what club we are talking about is never mentiond by me if you are worried about publicity. Ironically you were the one to put a name on it. When I joined the club I understood what they did about running trips. What was not said was that they not pass on information about free opportunities. I could agree if I were selling something or exploting the mebership in any way. Communications today is so vital to any organization.
In my note to you I extend and invitation and you snapped back in an unfriendly way not addressing questions that I specifically asked about this page or speaking to the invitation I extended or the information I shared.
Thank you so much for the link and invite. Is there a way to geograpically seek out NJ sailors? Serching toold are limited. Take it you know about the AHYC classes and the fact that I welcome you and yours to sail once I get in the water. Can't tell you how stone age this communication thing is in the sailing club. And everyone defends it like what I am doing will cut into their trip sales. I just know the trip organized will work to make me sailing with the barnegate bay thing a failure.
Cheers and Happy New Years!!