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Herzog's economical HFP 339 provides automated determinat-ion of flash point with low cost of ownership, providing faster, simple determinations with OptiFlash Pensky Matens. OptiFlash - Pensky Martens. Determine flash point of petroleum products with the Pensky Martens method. OptiFlash Tag & Abel normalab.com. MANUAL MODELS PENSKY-MARTENS FLASH TESTER - NPM 121. - REF 942616 -. How to chose The most suitable Pensky Martens NPM series? HFP 339. Flash Point Tester – Pensky Martens. ASTM D93 (A&B); ISO 2719 (A&B); DIN 22719 (A&B), HFP 370. Cleveland automated flash point Analyzer (COC). Herzog OptiFlash® Pensky Martens. Easy, Safe and Accurate Flash Point Determination. Optiflash pensky martens HR. The New Benchmark in Flash Point Analysis. A good knowledge of manual petroleum testing methods and the experience of performing flash point tests, 1 cover and 1 Pensky Martens cup. • 1 container. Herzog by pac, hfp 339 automatic closed cup PENSKY-MARTENS flashpoint tester model hfp 339, serial no. Includes operating manual .OptiFlash™ Pensky-Martens instrument replaces the previously released PAC flash point instruments, the Herzog HFP 339, Herzog HFP 360, and ISL FP93 5G2. Flash Point Instrument, the Herzog OptiFlash(TM) Pensky-Martens PAC flash point instruments, the Herzog HFP 339, Herzog HFP 360, and ISL FP93 5G2. Martens Closed. Cup Flash Point. Tester. Semi-Automatic. Pensky Martens. Flash Point. Tester. Automatic. Cleveland. Flash Tester. Automatic. Abel Closed. 03391-000-04 HFP 339 Pensky Martens 115V, gas igniter HERZOG - automatic flash point tester acc. to Pensky Martens. Compact single unit with VFDisplay and Pensky Martens, TAG and Abel tests with a single instrument The series of HFP Flash Point Analyzers is well known by their proven reliability, Pensky Martens, TAG and Abel tests with a single instrument The series of HFP Flash Point Analyzers is well known by their proven reliability,
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