
Just got the AIS up and running on the E120 on our 43. I installed an ICOM 5000 receive only AIS. The two biggest problems were running the data cable back to the E120 and finding the 12V wire that becomes live when the navigation switch on the panel is turned on. I'm not the contorsionist I used to be :) Other than that it was pretty straight forward. Looking forward to knowing what's around me. I think the wife will appreciate it even more as she's always concerend when we have commercial traffic around us, which is often.

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We have the AIS 500 from Raymarine, and I have to say that until now, it`s ok for the price
I just found my boat (antares) through AIS on
Tomorrow we are leaving for a week direction Venice .... curious to see if it really work

Really pleased with the AIS, we were in foul weather last weekend when the AIS alarm went off identifying a vessel at 6Nm's and 22Knts. Called them up on the radio (they were now quite close at this point coming out of the mist and rain) and they had picked up our AIS speed, track etc and would pass about 1/2mile ahead of us - it was a close 1/2 mile!!

The whole thing was over and done with in a few minutes but what reassurance in bad weather.

Mark, yes the AIS is a great safety feature isn't it? We again made use of it back in the spring while running in reduced visibility in an area loaded with commercial traffic. You can tell in a moment if that ship or barge is bearing down on you or should safely pass. On the same trip we came across a dead body in the river. While we were standing by waiting for a recovery boat to arrive we saw an approaching tug/barge. Called him by name and recived an instant response and got him to navigate around us. I don't believe we would have had the same ease in making that happen without knowing his vessel's name.



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