
oil slicks and things that go stink in the night....

there i sa bit of my engine that has been missing for over 2000 miles--and i donot remember ever seeing it in place.  isnt something one would look for--is the  plug or cap to the  hole which is used to  adjust the engine.  could be for timing adjustments--i never had to have timing adjusted so i didnt think about the problem being something so simple.

  this is a small  plug or cap that covers a   little adjustment port on the block near the  area of the lift pump, only is in the block.  

also during the purchase and payment   prolongation, one of the  members here  decided to slander, libel and harass me for   his own   purposes--i had to make him unable to  contact me .   is nice to  stand up for friends--but is also nice to know both sides of a story.   try having  years of oil not able to remain inside engine--lol--while sailing a rocky lee shore...while living on ssdi and having to hire a  mechanic to make sure engine doesnt   detonate due to lack of oil.

i have had to  hire a mechanic to travel with me  so i could  learn why i could not hold oil in my engine.   granted i make minimal income, as a disabled  person---so the   need for  having a diesel mechanic   travel with me at premium rates is not a   fun idea. nor is it conducive   of  survival on a limited income.

i thankyou for the referral  for the engine i so badly needed and still do need--as i have no idea what this plug or cap is or looks like,  i  have no idea   for what to seek here in mexico so i can try to  keep oil inside engine. 

this  little problem will not  keep me from continuing  with  my sailing--repairs under way are what one does when cruising.   ....  however, after  more than  3 yrs of trying to find the  leak and finally learning it is due to a missing part we cannot  locate under the engine ....  at least we know why the oil   doesnt remain inside engine while running.    this has been a true challenge.

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Comment by zeehag on July 20, 2013 at 7:21pm

ken--is stbd close to lift pump, under, kind of  ....and we fixed the  hole--was a   some kind of   inspection or sending unit port--somehow got  unfilled      at some point--now it is  filled.  runaway diesel happened in lagoon  on our way in for summer we have a lot of work to do before  winter comes again...should be ok  after my guy   fiddles with it.  i was thinking about overhaul  as we will have it open fo  ab it---our next thing is to   take top off engine to see valves and    how are  engine innards....dont know how much we can do while in   boat  and we still have to re align it ..i will show pix as we go....

Comment by Ken Lewis on July 20, 2013 at 6:23pm

Sorry to here of an oil leak, you can ask me for advice any time. You are referring to a hole under the lift pump? Or the high pressure pump? What side of the engine are we talking about Port or Starboard?

Comment by zeehag on June 15, 2013 at 6:01pm

runaway diesel....we only had to move  half mile, so we were towed by boom--is rebuildable.  is beautiful here and there are forklift   repair souls all over as all  is not  lost nor bad--needed to realign engine anyway---so it will be a new one in short order....

no overheat, no boom--life rocks--block is still intact.  fuel is black. or was when we arrived here from zihuatenejo, after 80 hours of motorsailing....

Comment by zeehag on June 11, 2013 at 4:35pm
with 18 reliably measured pounds oil pressure, we are not certain of compatibility between gauge i had installed--old ones died of corrosion-- and the sending unit...we plugged hole with a custom made plug, and we are testing sending units and gauges--so far--18 least is over
was running 30-50 before the gauges crapped out--- so we see..all was sudden at one we watch and ponder and repair what is necessary to continue onward...
have to freshen this engine before i leave here---this is now added to the big list ---
and the beam under mizzen and under fridge box and under batteries---is supporting much weight and is rotten --so we will address that one.... lots to do here in pair a dice--good thing this is pair a dice--i would not like the penance of but this is cruising ..repairing boats in exotic places....

good thing i have the shop manual for my engine.....or at least one like it....
Comment by zeehag on May 27, 2013 at 7:04pm

the engine still runs well, but since san diego the oil hasnt remained inside engine without a wood  plug stuck into it--the original plug  left and   no oil pressure.

in la cruz de huanacaxtle,   i found 2   pressure hoses to the remote oil filter were holed, so we replaced those...then......each stop has had repairs  assigned plus the  return to the oil problem...we even have 2 gauges now so we can see pressure in cockpit as well as inside   main saloon...

mebbe popped out somehow--dont know--but it was gone when we left sd for  mexico.  weadded our first   gallon  from leakage  just 2 hours out of sd.  second was not long after the first one..we figgered we had a problem, and repaired it with a bandaid--a  cone shaped  plug-- for the moment..lasted almost  2000 miles before  flying off here in barra.

as the bilge  has been  being cleaned after our arrival here-- we  still havent found anything strange looking like a plug  down there..

we will be removing the tank and   installing a larger one  so we will look under the tank as we clean and repair there...

repetitive repairs cause lots of  added expense--i am glad i found the  mechanic i  have now---he knows his stuff, so we  go onward....

we are making another cap of some sort-a kind of plug for it so we can have some il pressure--i will be   paying this repair soul for a while  yet--need to make this boat safe to travel  without nay more   stuttering and   breakdown....every stop has been major re[airs--is what i figgered i would have, as boat was a mess when i got her...we back to square 1 with  engine fuel and oil  systems, tho----bilge has been black since sd, now is  being cleaned up a tad--that will last until  we move   to marina fro storm season, which will be soon, as  there are forming storms off coast now.

we cleaned the engine yet again,  as there has been a lot of  leakage and breakage of belts and such--still need to align the engine and   finish modifications on packing gland...

we may actually paint it--but i dunno as yet....might just try to fix the leaks and go for it--i aint stopping--i is on a mission!!

i hope the   dangplug  popped off after installation, but i dont know why it would..pressures have not been over 50  when startup is achieved...strange...

Comment by LOLA on May 27, 2013 at 11:59am

I know it sounds strange but hang up wet vinegar rags and bowls around will help cut the smell...also as much cleanup as you can, but around the engine , I know it is hard.  Dish soap in the bilge may help wash any fuel out of bilge. I have done it.


Comment by zeehag on May 27, 2013 at 8:39am

i   dont think it is deliberate--i dont know why the  plug/cap thingie   isnt there or   why it was  overlooked--but  i am   using a wood plug  that we shaped and stuck in the hole--it doesnt fit well, but so far,we have pressure--the   boys i first sailed from sd with  had also done this as they didnt know where the oil was spraying the engine room from---the  initial  wood plug was made    2011 april.   we  refashioned it  yesterday and i am  smelling all kinds of   diesel  stink in the night--last night it woke me at just  a  lil bit   problematic--i always have to sail with someone to watch the  engine hole and bilges--is getting a tad flustrating, but we are still operational.   quit is not in my   operative  dictionary.  same with cannot. not in my operative dictionary.

Comment by LOLA on May 27, 2013 at 7:26am

Zee,  oh boy... you think the seller intentionally knew that part was missing?

Did the seller state the reason he was selling the engine?

I've had my own woes with my "significant other", my Yanmar, as you know...and the cost $$$ for repairs...these people get way too much money for their work ( I think they train at West Marine)

What a good idea to get someone to travel with you who can fix them...I think all engines should come with a young sailor.  He could come in handy in other ways too...maybe cook?

I can only imagine what you must go through in a foreign country, getting proper service.  I have trouble even here anymore getting good service.

So is the hole plugged , and do you know how to get at it ? Is it plugged once and for all?

I admire what you are doing, sailing as you are.  I thought I would do that someday, but I can see it won't be anytime soon.

Where did you find the person to travel with you? What a situation..

I wish you continued good sailing, and that life gets better for you out there.

If I could do something  for you I would...but I don't know engines.

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