
Whats the fuel consumption of this engine ?

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I am averaging about 0.6 to 0.7 gal/ hour. Still low hours so I expect it to change over time(100 Hrs on engine to date)
The best I can figure is the 43 with the 4JHE burns about 1 to 1.5 GPH at 2600 RPMs. I also believe 1.5 GPH is what Yanmar has rated it for.
just fueled up again, and still averaging about 0.7 gal / HR. Hull #9, 4JH4E
If I calcuate well, thats about 70 hours under engine
Sounds about right to me.
Sam, what RPMs are you running at and what speed through the water are you seeing? We ran the boat for about 30 hrs running at 2600 to 2700 RPMS. Appeared as though we were running 8 to 8.5 kts thru the water. This was an approximation as the instruments hadn't been calibrated yet. Just wondering what you're seeing as a reference.
I motor around 2K RPMS, The boat will fly around 2500, but I enjoy the leisurely pace. Probebly moving around 5 to 6 kts.
Thanks I appreciate the info.


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