
Looking for details/pictures of the B40 staysail and backstay adjuster options

I'm looking for some help. Some time after my 2007 B40 was built, Beneteau started offering some interesting new options. I found more options in the UK Beneteau brochure than in the US brochure, so some of these new options are probably not available in the Americas. Available or not, I've never seen these options on any of the five or six B40s in my local area or at any local boat show.


Hopefully someone on this list can share photos and details. The new options are:


Backstay adjusters

Genoa car adjustment from cockpit

Releasable forestay chainplate

Additional bow roller

Additional salon seating in the two cabin version

Swiveling saloon table


I'm particularly interested in the first two - backstay adjusters and genoa car adjustment. I'm planning to add these to my boat and I'd like to see how Beneteau did it - not that the factory solution is always the best, but they do often come up with creative solutions.


Can anyone help.



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Replies to This Discussion

I checked B's parts site and didn't see any reference to the hardware you listed. I'd be curious to see how much they want for adjustable genoa cars and the double anchor roller. We have a 43 but I'd expect the parts to be also available or identical. Please share if you find the info.


 I have a 43 and  was interested in the staysail idea. I asked B in Sout Carolina and here is the response:

Subject: Re: inner forestay on B43

We offer an option for the inner forestay.

Consists of the following parts:

077516          CHAINPLATE INNER     1.000

056599          SCREW M MACH FH S    3.000

326900          NUT HEX SS D14       3.000

791900          WASHER D14 S/S       3.000

Cost about $250.00

It does not include the stay. US Spars can assit with this. There should be marks in the mold indicating where the hardware is installed



Hi Mike,


I did take a look at your photos - thanks. Looks like you are having fun with the boat!


I see that the backstay adjusters are mechanical as opposed to hydraulic. Can you let me know the brand/model of these? How have they been working for you?


Could you explain how you manage to equalize the tension (at rest) between both backstays. The swept back spreaders are also part of the tension on the forestay, how do you manage that ?

Very good and interesting website.

Hope you have (safe) fun.



Great pictures! Thank you very much for taking the time to share these.


I see that the backstay adjusters are Wichard. I'll have to decide whether to go with the simplicity of the Wichard mechanical adjusters or the built-in pressure read-out of a hydraulic adjuster. It looks like the pricing will be about the same - $3,500 US for the whole system.



Sorry, I haven't set up a storm sail on my boat yet.

Replying to Denis:


With the Wichard adjusters, you merely need to make sure that the adjusted lengths of the stays remain synchronized. The backstay adjusters have length indicators for that purpose. While knowing backstay "length" isn't as useful as knowing actual backstay tension, I am thinking that it would be rather difficult to keep dual hydraulic adjusters in sync since you could not adjust the leeward stay to be the same pressure as the windward stay when the boat was heeling (and therefore the stays unequally loaded).



Could you explain how you manage to equalize the tension (at rest) between both backstays. The swept back spreaders are also part of the tension on the forestay, how do you manage that ?

Very good and interesting website.

Hope you have (safe) fun.







Restarting the discussion in order to inform other B owners about hydraulic adjustable back stay system. I have'nt had time to test it properly, but will do next weekend. Here are a few pictures:




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