
"Black Day" for the Mississippi Gulf Coast

Well, as we waited, the oil from the oil rig disaster hit the barrier islands off the gulf coast then, migrated inside and close to our harbors and wetlands. It is a sad week, and it will take years for this to resolve itself. The sailing/boating has come to a all our boats are boomed in the harbors,,,Many thanks for our Federal Government who really messed this up...., and it dosen't matter conserative or liberal, the damage is done because of in action by the folks incharge....

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Comment by Fat Cat Anna ~~~ \\^^// ~~~ on July 15, 2010 at 11:17pm
Here in Montreal, we had an oil spill that affected / affects our waters here - but nothing like what has happened to you or Exxon Valdez

Wish there was a way that clean up could be more efficient. It's hard to blame anyone here with the clean up BP tried to clean it up - then there is the government which takes way too long to make a decision - everyone/everything suffers. Sigh :(
Comment by zeehag on July 13, 2010 at 2:42pm
omg---this is soo sick.
people who love the area are in mourning and heartsick over this---my timing as usual, was impeccable, to have been able to spend a near year there in the beauty and aliveness of the region....the treasure will be missed greatly....and all due to corruption , greed , and selfishness.....
Comment by Jodi on July 13, 2010 at 10:29am
You wonder why the Navy is not out there assisting cleaning up this mess. They have submarines that can get that deep and blow this hole close plus they have ships that have major suction system to filter water.
there will be SAD SAD years to come all because of the people that work politics are only out for their own self image
Comment by Terri on July 13, 2010 at 8:26am
So sad about all this. I am sorry for the hardship, sadness this destruction will cause.
Comment by Kurt on July 13, 2010 at 5:39am
Chuck, Pictures taken on Horn Island
Comment by Suky Cannon on July 12, 2010 at 11:41pm
Kurt..I don't know what to say except this could be happening to any of us and I'm sorry that it's happening to any of us. As much as I hate looking at these pics, I am enraged.
Comment by Capt Chuck Creel on July 12, 2010 at 8:57pm
Kurt, Where was this taken and when ?
Comment by sailorgirlca on July 10, 2010 at 3:42pm
Kurt. I am in Canada but that doesn't mean we are without our own issues of incompetency: recntly we had millions of gallons of waste being allowed out into local rivers/beaches, etc, etc. everything has been ruined for boating/swimming. However, what is being experienced by you folks down there is a tragedy without end. Each time I see photos of the horrible disaster done to wildlife and way of life down there.......simply chokes me thought/wishes continually are for everyone down there that have to battle this man-made disaster......
Comment by Chuck (C_Note) on July 8, 2010 at 6:51pm
Yeah, I'm glad I spent all that money for the boat and to get it running.

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