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Being I am an artist, I named my 2 twin Female kitties, with male artists names. There were not that many female artists names, and MONET AND MATISSE really don't mind.

Monet looks like she has a water lily on her back, like Monet did.

Matisse looks like she has a white ear as if a scrap or a cut off puzzle piece as Matisse did in his cut paper series.
Im form Covington Louisiana where up the road is a village called Ramsay where there is a natural spring fed lake (warm) called Lake Ramsey (yes, two different spellings) where my Uncle lived where I use to frequent. I named Ramsey after the lake. In '00, Lake Ramsey was where he took his first swim at one year old and and he still dives off piers and bulkheads since that day.

Today, he sits on the gunwale beside me in 15 knot winds on the 14' Vagabond s/v Perkins Hill.

It makes me sad that I cant( and wont) take him when I leave here for good aboard Equinox.
DANG IT, LOLA! Why did ye make me think about that?

Fun discussion.


Ramsey and me
aren't all ship's mates called that.....:-)
we had a sneak-aboard last nite--i will call rocky--was a raccoon of the mo0st beautiful and well fed variety--i was told that she had babies recently---awesome loking---got by bubba--was easy--bubba was on leash and he had fouled himself around something and was watching lol--rocky entered boat and i was notified by the rustling of plastic bags---the coons tail was sooooo purrty i thought was bubba, until i saw there were 2 tails LOL......i chased rocky away--she/he lives under the water street hotel!!!! gorgeous raccoon--
Well being a sailor and all I couldn't fathom the thought of getting a pet without having a nautical name. So one day I ended up with a female cat and named her Gale S.

The name spelled Gale was after the winter gales we got in New England that tear down the coast, and my cat tears up and down the hallway when she gets to much pent up energy. Her middle initial "S" is for storm.

PS> Yes, she still has all her claws that I trim when shes groggy.
i named bubba cpt dork e fuzzbutt because he was the dorkiest cat with the fuzziest butt--cpt because he wowns my formosa--loo every boat needs a cpt ,,lol.....and i call him bubba because he is a bubba--huge !!! he is nearly 20 pounds--16 actually, so he is a kitty.....


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