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Well the problems with the injury to my head are mostly behind me, I have some short term memory loss but other than that I am also back to being as I was.
I had written about break-ins to boats at my yacht club and just before Christmas my new French doors at my home were smashed in, I had to order new ones as the jerk did a good job on destroying the one I had put in a year ago. Now why didn't they break-in through the kitchen door about 10 feet from the French doors, I have a new one in my barn ready to install and it's cost is no were near the cost of the one destroyed. The Anderson Company really makes them hard to open from the outside without a lot of damage.
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Hello dear,I'm Amelia by name,I have something very important to discuss with you,please kindly email be back( will be waiting to hear from you soon.Thanks
Before I got my new & petulant 5HP, I considered the electric motor. There were 2 reasons I did not go with it. I didn't know anyone who was using one in salt water and I wasn't sure how to deal with battery ~ we're talking about a small sailboat here... no room in cockpit. Also, the currents are strong in the bays I sail, so I was a bit concerned how the electric would do under those conditions. So I ended up with the gas engine.
Then, I was amazed to meet a couple in Puerto Rico this past winter who used only an electric motor for a Westsail 32. Worked for them~ course they choose their weather~ so when they moved they were sailing and were retired so had no schedule. . So, I would consider an electric motor now.
It took a long while and lots of 'consultations' with folks, to figure how just what I was doing wrong in starting the gas engine. People would say, just pull it...... lol... it's too complicated to write here, but that wasn't helpful advice and eventually I figured it out. I would prefer to have electric start, but I would have to know how to fix that when it inevitably broke..... and I'd want to know before it happened...ain't it grand..
fairwinds !
And hey... it's a great sickness to have LOL.....
take care.. share a few now and then when you have a chance !
I know of your Bayfield, but haven't had the pleasure of sailing one. She's a beauty. Thanks for posting pics.... I have an ocean kayak and a 1982 ODay Daysailer II. Fractional rig, 5HP, New Tiller 2007, New Standing rigging this year, and 2 sheets sales, orginals;clean and blown out. I need to install shrods and mast base. Anyway, she, Belle Luce is on the hard on Shinnecock Bay. I also a friend's Hobie 16 in Shinnecock Bay. I'd like to find a suitable boat for me and I have short list of ones I plan to sail in the 28 to 32 foot range.
You told me awhile back that you installed opening portlights. Can you tell me what size you used? The ones listed for Bomar and Lewmar don't seem to fit.
you can e-mail me at
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