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The house remodeling has been stopped by the federal government agency F.E.M.A. They decided to say my house is in a flood plane and due to that I cannot do the addition I wanted. It seems that my property is listed in the 100 year flood zone, but typical of bureaucrats they do not want to look and see that yes the back yard is in their flood plane my house sits on hill that is 17 feet above the stream along my back yard and the location they have the 100 year flood plane line at is 9 feet below the yard behind the house where I wanted to put the addition. I have checked all this out using the USGS digital topographical charts. These charts allow me to place a curser over any location in the USA and read the elevation, latitude and longitude. I find it interesting that they call my house in a flood plane when it is a few feet higher than downtown Toledo that is not.
Have fun with the new boat,
I got the keel wet on my 25 last month and all is well with it. I do think I will need to get a new main (Maybe I should have kept the new one you got with my other B-25 ) :-) this fall.
Sounds like you are staying in the Bahamas for a while, I think it is a nicer place to be this time of year that here or Ontario with the "hard water" coming soon.
Was the holding tank leaking or are you just remodeling the B-29?