
Reading the Yanmar Diesel Manual was overwhelming at first. I scanned each page of it a few months back as I transitioned it into a looseleaf notebook. Important pages, like what type of oil to use and the maintenance checklist were put in a plastic sleeve. During my daily boat check on Monday I was too tired to take on any real tasks, like sanding the eyebrow the protects the gps in the cockpit, I slithered below to sit at the galley table. After gazing out the stern castle window, which reminded me that it needed replacement, I turned toward my proud little library.

"Aha," I signed. "The least I could do was to pick up the biggest book and browse. At first the details on each page confusing. The diagrams and terms were unfamiliar. Perseverance, though found me reading word for word about starting the engine. Then, I realized the 3 or 4 pages that mesmorized me were for a brand new engine. My curiosity was aroused so I thumbed through the book. After ten minutes or so I found the page with the heading, 'Starting Your Diesel.' Again I was confused about a part that I can't think of the proper name for right now. It's just a metal thing a ma jig that juts out from the side of the wheel house. If you pull it out the engine will stay in neutral while you rev it up. In short, one is supposed to pull out the little metal thing a ma jig which I guess works like a choke.

Well, what do you know? When I went back on deck, pulled the metal thing a ma jig, moved the throttle up a notch or two and walla kazam, yippity do, my little Yanmar 2GM immediately started. Hm,,,,,,back home writing this I suddenly have a recollection of Captain Kirk explaining this to me the very first time he showed me how to start the engine when we originally surveyed the boat.

Ay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that age old adage, , , ,


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