
Well, if I'm going to have a blog I guess this is the place for it. Mainly at this point in my life Sailing and computers are 1 & 2 in my life with possible Motorized coastal cruising 3rd. If I sound melancholy I'm really not. I have a great wife, nice house, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a good church in which I'm very involved. I guess my only problem is lack of money for boat stuff. I can always find things to do to my boat, just not always the cash to do them. But who knows when that will change. Right now I'm looking at spring projects such as installing a solar penal for my batteries, a mast raising system so I can launch alone and a compass so I know where I am. Also I'm thinking of doing some sailing on the St. John's river at Sanford ,FL. Now the question is do I keep my electric motor backup or do I go to a small gas outboard. I love the quiet of electric power But I'm not sure I won't get to far to get back under power if the wind dies, which is fluky at best out on the river. Of course I'm not doing much of anything until I get back from the Caribbean in the middle of Feb. Then we'll see. I'll blog the trip after we get back, with pictures! or maybe from the ship.

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Comment by zeehag on January 11, 2009 at 11:54pm
yer a good man cpt jack----sparrow is entertaining but rackham was a SAILOR!!! we could all do worse by having others to read and bonny had sailing in their blood and some adventure in their hearts, as did the men with whom they travelled and plundered.....
next time you are in dago area, look me up!!!!
i also use piratic elvgren pix.......they are fun!!!! and classics.....i have adventure and a pinch of piracy in me , i believe we all a degree.......
Comment by verner j canatsey on January 11, 2009 at 9:24pm
By the way I love your Icon I've read all I could on Read and Bonny. As a matter of fact the CaptJack I use for my name is that of "Calico" Jack Rackham not Jack Sparrow.
Comment by verner j canatsey on January 11, 2009 at 9:21pm
Luckly Im installed a depth gauge last summer. I have a couple of compasses Jack Sparrow style. My wife and or youngest (31) daughter normally go with me although I do wear a self inflating PFD And if the weather is bad I would have a safety line on. Pictures I promise. By the way if your out inSouthern Calif. I have a daughter out there at Camp Pendelton.We come out at least once a year to visit. I love the maritime meusem in SD, we've sailed on the Californian last year and toured the Star of India and the tall ship up at San Clemente. We were going to sail her but they had shut down the weekend we were there.
Comment by zeehag on January 11, 2009 at 8:43pm
captain jack---first---when one really knows where one is, one may get depressed in knowing that place isnt exactly where one may wanna be----so i would forego the compass. solar panels are important. keep juice in th ebatts!!then ya can use the lappy......depth sounder is important so ya know how deep it is aroundja and donot ground self....gps would be a good idea and some are less spensive than compasses----hand held in particular----they can tell ya where to go painlessly--unlike the spouse or friends .......launching alone is no fun----make sure there is offspring or spouse orr freiend ..more funner......if you have a solar panel for the electric mpotor, then you should be able to go anywhere you want to under electric power-----bettter have pix of carib from your trip---i want soooo much fun!!!!!!!

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