
I was considering interconnecting the HDTV to the E120 to include a SeaTalk2 Keyboard...a neat way to get a LARGE display with command and control for the E120 at the Nav station. So I was wondering if anyone else had considered this option or even completed doing so. Raymarine offers a VGA out cable to connect the TV. Offered are a 10 meter cable (E55055) and a 20 meter cable (E55056)... I have the 43, and my TV is on the bulkhead (salon/forward/starboard), I'm thinking the 10 meter would be enough run, can anyone confirm? Then I was planning to place the SeaTalk2 Keyboard (E55061) at the Nav Station. Would you know if there is an existing SeaTalk junction box onboard with open connections and where would it be located. There is also a restriction the the keyboard be within 4.5 meters, otherwise one would need to add additional junction box (according to the manual,


Opinions and comments welcome...



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We had this done by our dealer so I don't know how long the cable is. Our keyboard is at the chart table (ours is a 3 cabin) and it's OK but we usually have to stretch the cable to bring it over to the salon table so we can sit and read the screen comfortably (our TV is only a 22 inch). However, the real issue is that Raymarine is not compatible with many of the popular TVs out there. What brand/model do you have?
Oh really, is there a compatability chart available or would you recommend contacting Raymarine? Anyhow we have "Best Buy's" name brand, INSIGNIA, LCD (NS-LDVD32Q-10A) which has PC VGA input.

I have exactly the same idea for an inside large screen or split view monitor/TV.

My choice is going to a Samsung 32' LED edge TV that has the advantage of being slim 2,8 cm light around 8kg and mostly only uses 80W under 220V through the inverter a mass combi that gives a pure sine.

This is my plan I also bought the 20m cable from Raymarine. The keyboard situation I have not resolved for the moment.

I took an "endoscopic " picture of the transom there is a gap of a few cm between the saloon bulkhead and the shower wall. I would like to use an extra slim but extrastrong VESA fixation device. For example one designed for a heavy plasma unit and use it for my featherweight TV.

Can you give more information about signal compatibility. The Samsung unit has a DVI/XVGA input that I will have to check again.

We could exchange pictures about this.

Not looking good for the Insignia.

According to these specs the PC input will only accept 60Hz, while Raymarine uses 56Hz frequency. I would double check with the manual to make sure...

Good luck!
At the time I looked at this there was no compatibility chart but I was able to find out that the issue is that Raymarine uses the 56Hz frequency and most of the TVs I was looking at only worked at 60Hz or 75Hz. I learned that Sharp and Panasonics are usually compatible. The SONYs and Toshibas I was looking at were not. Andrea ended coming up with a great idea: instead of buying a TV with a computer input, why not look for a computer monitor with a TV tuner? I found that those usually accept 56Hz so that's what we did and it ended up being cheaper!

If you look at the specs in your TV you should be able to find out if it accepts 56Hz.

Good luck!


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