
Liv's Comments

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At 10:18am on June 9, 2009, Anne said…
Hi Liv,
You're on the Ottawa aren't you? Just turn the boat east instead of west - avoid the oil spill, visit NS and take the boat instead of the camper van...a win, win, win! :o)

I've not got the sailboat in the water yet - so no boating so far this season. . . and the weather isn't doing anything to encourage me to get moving on the boat front. What happen to our summer weather? Is it suffering from the recession too?
At 9:46am on May 30, 2009, Terri said…
Morning Liv, yes it's working try was shut down earlier for mtce.
At 10:24pm on May 22, 2009, Doug said…
Yes, driven past/through, and also, many many years ago, canoed from Mont Laurier down the Riviere du Lievre to Buckingham. The only time I've been on the Ottawa River. It's a beautiful area.
At 1:35pm on May 21, 2009, Suky said…
Hi Liv,
Got the great news you are a happy sailor again. !~!~! ~! ~ ! ~!
I'm going sailing on Sunday off Annapolis in Chesapeake Bay ~ badly need a fix !~!~ !~ !~ !
also thanks for posting the poetry and books. I;m totally into Sensible Cruising... inspiring and sobering!
At 8:57pm on May 19, 2009, Doug said…
Thanks. This looks like a fun site/group. I'm a bit familiar with your area, as an ex-Montrealer who has travelled across Canada a few times. Hope you're enjoying the start of summer.
At 6:15am on May 12, 2009, Ken Lewis said…
Hi Liv,
Thanks’ for the offer; I will tack you up on that as local knowledge is always welcome. I look forward to meeting you and others from SeaKnots.
s/v Fair Wind
At 5:35pm on May 11, 2009, Kalena Leyburn said…
Why thank you Liv,
this does look like a very cool site. Hope I can contribute too.
What lakes do you sail on?

At 7:53pm on May 10, 2009, Terri said…
Hi, I have a dodger, will have to look at other boats, back stay comes into play, maybe a double split and horizontal pole.????
At 5:56am on May 10, 2009, Terri said…
Morning! Just saw a bimini on a Catalina 25, they've placed it forward, as they don't have a dodger (i do). I could have one i think and only use while at anchor or in slip. My traveler was moved from stern mount to just before the companionway so may be easier. A "next year" project. or maybe after the Power Ball hit..LOL Think I'll be tie dying the sail awning I got.. :-) Have a wonderful day!!!
At 8:09pm on May 8, 2009, Terri said…
Hi Liv, On my way to boat in a bit. Why can't you have a bimini? In my Catalina, the boom comes back too far aft...would have to be low, still trying to figure it out, haven't seen any 25's with a bimini yet. Scored a sail awning off Craigslist for 20.00, nice one but stained a bit (something while stored) will try to get out or dye it. But that's while boat in slip. If i can have a bimini, will have clear window in top that i can velcro closed, to watch sail shape. Hope to be able to figure it out. There have been some bimini's on CGlist, but need to get my exact dimensions. Have dodger, having the two side triangles plastic replaced now. Otherwise in good condition. take care! nice weekend! Terri
At 9:15am on May 8, 2009, Terri said…
Tell me about that umbrella sunshade! Looks cool, made specially for boat???
At 9:14am on May 8, 2009, Terri said…
Thanks for the compliments!
At 10:16pm on May 7, 2009, Ray said…
It's been a long winter. Now she's ready for adventure. Should bee in the water next week.
At 8:46pm on May 4, 2009, Anne said…
Great photos Liv - feels like I'm there.
At 10:44pm on May 1, 2009, Suky said…
Hi Liv Going sailing tomorrow but my boat is still on the hard up in New York. Going to get her the week after Mother's Day. Tomorrow Performance Sailing who make trimaran Telstar 28 and Gemini are having demo sails and open house in Annapolis and I'm leaving early in the morning... hoping for a good day !
At 9:38am on April 28, 2009, MNSailor said…
The North Channel is on my short list too- I saw a presentation at the Chicago Boat Show and fell in love with it! Although its hard to beat the Apostle Islands.
At 7:21pm on April 24, 2009, Suky said…
thanks for the pic comments Liv. I'll be your guide anytime ! and I will make some time to post some more.. but it's tough now that the weather is warming up. !!!!
At 3:18pm on April 23, 2009, LOLA said…
why not post your paintings in the photo area on your page, so you can get comments on them?
At 9:18am on April 23, 2009, LOLA said…
I'm from Southern Minn. so familiar with the Powerful Lake Superior.....only from shore, i"m going now this am to my Boat Electric class
At 12:08am on April 23, 2009, LOLA said…

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