Harry NIllson said it best in his story/song, "The Point" : we hear what we want to hear. . .
How many times have we 'sailorettes' told our significant other something that they totally don't hear or acknowledge. From the first day my husband, Dan, and I met nearly 30 years ago I said I wanted to sail alone around the world. After all, I had just bought my first boat and read Robin Graham's book the Dove. I knew what I wanted. To this day, as I finally commit to making the dream a reality, he has begun talking about his two year plan to retire so 'we' can sail away together."
In education we remind teachers to choose their battles when dealing with children. Considering that Dan (like perhaps, many male significant others) are children in grown up skin, then, I ignore his statements, until the timing is just right. By then I will figure out a way to make my plans materialize while keeping him on board as my number one land crew, tactical advisor, and repairman.
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