Now that my round the world plan is in a holding pattern, it is time to continue writing a book started many moons ago. With holding the title is essential. Of all the things I could be paranoid about, the concept of the book is too precious to risk it be taken by someone with more book writing savvy than I. Like the guy who wrote Cold Mountain the plan is to write a best seller. It may be my first book. That, indeed, may be the best reason to make it a good one.
What you can know is that it will be about sailing. It will include those lazy, hazy days of summer, treacherous Gulf Stream crossings, and love at first sight. Hero worshipping will underlie all that has been learned as well as the motivation/incentive to sail on.
What I need is a cattle prod. Perhaps I should say a puff of wind to keep me moving forward. Like a good centerboard I need someone to keep me on track. What I promise myself is to spend a minimum of two hours a day working on the book to be released in December 2015...Every day I miss my two hours, I will make up those hours within one week. Just so you know I am posting a hand written reminder of this promise over my bunk so I read it each night as I curl into my sleeping bag with a prayer for my beloved late husband Danny (who I terribly miss...)
Please step forward. Via e-mail, phone call (when I regretfully return to the states in January), or blog posts. Be honest, kind, and by all means offer suggestions. Together we can achieve.
For now, I can tell you Staniel Key is a busy harbor. Not as hectic as Georgetown, more accomodating than Rum Cay, with beauty lying somewhere between Everglades City and Norman's Pond, Exumas.
As the song goes, "...I've never been to Spain..." but I have been...and continue to be.
Cheers for a very merry Christmas, a Happy Hanakah, and the best the new year has to offer.
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