I'm going to attempt another planned cruise on the Chesapeake in September. Sheila (wife,Admiral) and I on our Columibia 8.7, and Martin Duffy on his CS27, possibly one other couple on their Hunter 46 (?). Any and all are welcome. No set agenda as yet, just attempting to sail as far north as possible in a couple of weeks. Our starting point will be Urbanna, Duffy will be Deltaville. Anyone to the south or east can meet up with us in Dville area, or along the northern route, probably on the western shore. It would be great to make it to Baltimore with stops at St Mary's, Solomons, Annapolis. Perhaps more or less. Then back down the eastern shore , Oxford, Onancock, Tangier? Just playing it by ear at this point.
Start date, Sept.21,2009.
Reply here with suggestions or comments. I'll post something on the Columbia Yacht Owners wall as well.
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