
Back online after a LONG time with an interesting bogus link!

 I haven't had a computer for about 3 months so I haven't been able to blog.  And then there was that pesky writer's block I have suffered from for the past year.  Back in the saddle again with a refurbished Dell laptop that I am finding AWESOME for the money.


I continue in my attempts to single-hand the Owl.  I am still practicing manuvering into my slip at the end of an afternoon sail, but I just need more confidence through practice.  Still earning my Captain's hat, but getting closer every day.


Here is an interesting link to a bogus article (which I did not realize was a hoax, I would think the author would take the article down, or at least in some way indicate this was a joke since April 1, 2013 is long gone, but NOOOOOOOO!  The joke is on me this time)  So much for my great blog post "linking" an interesting sailing article.  Thank you, Joe, for your comment which led me to research further.  Boat tax  Money quote is the last line.  Rather discriminatory towards "poor people" isn't it?  Intesting article.  Good quick read.  Although the site is dated April 1, 2013, I cannot find that this law ever passed.  Any information you might have would be much appreciated.


Hurricane Season 2013 started with a BANG!  Tropical storm Andrea dumped rain on Florida for almost a week.  I love hearing the rain plink against my deck while I am snug as a bug!  But, the other thing about lots of rain is that it helps you find ANY and all leaks...that is for sure!  I hope yours, if there are any, are easy to find and fix.


I am enjoying learning about the Owl tremendously.  She takes good care of me, and I try to take good care of her.  Scrapage of bottom happens next month on our schedule.  Owning  a boat is such a different experience than owning a house.  That is fairly obvious. 


In the boat arena, it's checking the water in the batteries regularly, and making sure they are charged. And a myriad of other things having to do with motors AND sails.  It's making sure that your vessel is ship shape and can be trusted with the lives of not only the Captain, but any passengers aboard.  It's a really big responsibility, one that I continue to strive to do well, and with great care.  As my son, Ben, says, it's all about focus.


Hope everyone is staying safe and dry.  The weather in the BEST SAILING STATE IN THE US has been pretty wet lately, Andrea notwithstanding.  I hope to blog more regularly, and also include some links from sailing news articles I find interesting, and I hope you do as well.


Fair winds.  Dreaming the life, and living the dream.







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Comment by Charlotte Radford on June 20, 2013 at 7:57am

Joe, I did actually note that the date of it WAS 4/1, but the article seemed legitimate, and there was nothing further saying "FOOLED YOU!" or anything.  But, it very well could have been a joke.  Very dry humor at its best, I guess.  :)

Comment by Joe Goodrow on June 19, 2013 at 11:16pm

I quite sure this Bill s401 is a hoax....  401   check the date 4-01 

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